No. Not at all true.
No. Not at all true.
Because they’re stolen typically.
Australia’s rights are different, so no, it’s not a 1:1 comparison.
Hmmm....Supply would not dry up overnight. Also, see Mexico. Also, that would mean we should get rid of all government interference in all transactions.
A bomb works even better than the previous two.
And? Name the crimes a lot of them committed? Keep to real crimes rather than your imaginary ones.
“Most of the people the were heading the banks should’ve have been put to death or at the very least given 25 years.”
It isn’t true, but you’re too stupid and dogmatic to understand that. If you’re rich, regardless of skin color, you can get away with a lot, but not anything. He’s also the founder. Plenty of rich white people in jail.
That’s the dumbest and most ignorant, racist comment of the day, well done.
So that’s Mexicans you’re referring to, btw.
Not a chance in hell was that more exciting than the NHL game. At least both teams were trying to win.
You mean a subsidized, government run “business” sucks? Wow, I’m so shocked. Yet your dumb ass wants to de-privatize. Asshole.
Racist post.
I don’t care, that’s the point. Your death or life has zero point. You are just wasted space. You use more than give back. The earth is better without you.
Still unoriginal. Man you’re sad.
Not really. It’s a delicate balance between free vs. muzzle. Extreme speech is necessary in a free society or for unregulated speech to exist.
I’m pointing out the fact that when something bad happens in the US, people here go crazy want to ban guns, as if that would solve the problem. The last few terrorist attacks in Europe have used knives, cars and trucks to devastating effect. The fact that people like you don’t seem to understand that the worst attacks…
You should come up with an original line, it would at least show that you’ve had an original thought during your entire existence. Oh wait, somebody told you what to say next.
Collaborator with whom? It’s a good thing that no one cares about your opinions, thoughts, reactions or facial expressions. You are meaningless.