You’re an idiot if you think secession will be peaceful.
You’re an idiot if you think secession will be peaceful.
California doesn’t even save the rain water they get.
Most tech companies require bailouts from the private sector (Public too with Tesla). Far more at stake with GM going out of business.
HAHAHAHAHA. Where they going to get their ICBM’s? Plus, 20 won’t do shit. Don’t forget you have the people with guns in red parts (happily invade) vs, well nothing in cities. Good luck with that.
“The Senate is where proportional representation gets fucked.”
Wrong on so many levels.
Because a state that has trouble having enough water and electricity would be fucked. You could implode the state within a year. Also, a lot of farm country is red, you going to seize all that?
You didn’t use context you dumb fuck. I can’t read your dumb fucking mind. You’re too stupid for me to even do so.
Hey Dumb fuck, It snows in a lot of places in California and major interstate is often affected by that snow. I’m not the asshole that said it never snows in California. Dick twat.
What a dumb writer for thinking that grooming standards are fascist. In fact, the write is one of the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet if he thinks that.
California gets snow you dumb fuck.
Shame the female strike couldn’t go on for longer; now there’s a group that showed just how valuable they aren’t to economy yesterday.
If the teacher shows up only at the physical part, how are they supposed to know the entire situation? You can only deal with the information at the moment.
That’s what happens when women run things....If it were dudes, the punch would likely be allowed, probably 2.
Maybe if the keeper wasn’t 5'5 and could actually jump more than 12 inches, a save would’ve been made.
They need to change the name of the system. Also, lines are well painted, maybe they should pull it off market if it screws up that much.....
Hey Hamno nothing (and gawker readers),
The Nazi party was pro socialist policies (i.e. Free healthcare for all), you should do a little research.