
Counterpoint: People know who she is and don’t want to hire a fraud.

You mean Prince Fielder?

What “evil” thing has she done?

The Kings defense is miles ahead of the Stars’.

Less wrecked cars is good since all it does is cause phantom cautions. I’m OK with this one.

Said someone who can’t do shit at a high level.

So they got rid of the completely unfunny and dumb segments. Sounds about right.

Considering Nazi’s wanted free healthcare for all, does that make most gawker commentators one?

“This happened on one of the hundreds of websites on which SB Nation happily farms out the production of virtually all its editorial content to unpaid amateurs operating with little to no editorial oversight”

Women can treat me like a sexual object all day long, fine by me. Works better for my plan anyway. Dumbass.

And what “men” do you hang out with who think that?

How can Charlotte be called the “49ers” when clearly that refers to those out in California during the gold rush; this makes no sense.

Die on organic poison gas!

No one here gets the meaning of that song.

Also very different kind of construction. Auto plants by Toyota aren’t unionized at all, yet they have low accident rates. False equivalency.

The women are rather smokin in that picture, damn.

Does it protect you from violence? I mean former Gawker has advocated violence towards those they deem to have unsavory opinions...

Don’t think Moses deliberately backed out.

Considering the countries around them want to eradicate them, I’d say it’s not a bad policy. Idiot.

And? She shouldn’t have hit first.