
I, for one, am shocked Whitefish’s executives didn’t blame a social media intern for the offending tweet

We’ve got 44 linemen rebuilding power lines in your city & 40 more men just arrived. Do you want us to send them back or keep working?

“Does not represent who we are/who I am” is the go-to response these days to someone saying something that very clearly represents who they are.

“did not represent who we are”

Nice island you’ve got here. It would be a shame if something...happened to it.

I don’t know much about the company, but there is a new fangled gummi bear by a US company. I tried it based on someone’s recommendation here on Jezzie and they’re really tasty.

I appreciate the thorough response!

Is there any documentaries or general footage of these detention centers? Whose to say they are humane?

America has fallen way too far. It’s never going to recover from how much hate is being displayed here. These are grown-ass men in their 30s and 40s who are so afraid of a 10 year old child, they need to ambush her at a hospital.

I was just thinking about him the other day. Also brought to mind how he took the scene from Morgan Freeman in Stand by Me (Lean on Me).

Someone tell Fletcher Cox Guy you have a better chance of winning a fight if you exhibit some defense. He was just walking into straight right hands.

Philly fans are passionate man, they’ve gotta hammer somebody.

Respectfully, I would like to request that South Carolina, Virginia, etc be referred to in these articles as “Former Slave State and Traitor to the Nation, South Carolina...”

Yes, please. Also, is that an Asian child?

This was an misunderstanding, really bad image though... Really got to think about the optics when you have a black child on a leash. We’re in a climate where images rule the day, as a teacher she should know this...

Someone made the utterly benign claim that science reporting should be scentific

Your TLDR diatribe can be boiled down to every belief system atheism included can be delusional and irrational. As humans are imprecise biological meat sacs it is pretty much expected to get the whole spectrum.

Enjoy being annoyed for most of the rest of your life, then. I’ll keep my fingers crossed hoping you learn to let shit go, one day

Atheism already has a bad name.

Ok... but this is: