
to insults the moment someone does not adhere to a certain code of conduct

Whatever brings in the Christian clicks...

my first thought was Greek mythology. but to each their own.

oh please.


The man renounced his association with the Nation of Islam and distanced himself from his past self in what appears to have been a truly contrite manner. This article you linked to even states that they couldn’t trace any anti-semitic writing to him directly, only that he used to support the people who propagated such

So how bad does your neckbeard itch?

When secular minded people say things like this, it forces many religious people to go on the defensive, widening the rift. There are many religious people in all religions that practice their faith because it provides a moral compass for their society. Many of these people struggle with the belief in a deity or

Oh for fuck’s sake, literary allusions don’t hurt you any.

Boy, you may want to get that graphite rod out of your ass, you’re gonna shit diamonds.


Man you must of either got beaten by a priest or woke up with a ruler up your ass.

The riot of fonts is as distracting as the message at the bottom of the poster is confusing...

See? It’s not really about ‘the troops’ at all, and never has been with him and his fans. It’s about non-Christians and people of color knowing their place, and being happy about being able to coexist with, and in subservience to, their white Christian ‘superiors’. Anybody who gets ‘uppity’ about it is targeted. Can’t

I find Smith’s claims of ignorance a bit more believable than some given how much of a Hollywood outsider he was/is.

You know a rapist. Statistically, you know several rapists.

You really live up to your screen name.

Agree. These will be the same people that buy products from, say, Saudi owned companies without blinking.

If people in the grays are going to continually shit on every single sentient organism within a 10,000 mile radius of the state of California, and lump every single one of them into same group as the fucking actual rapists, then I don’t even know what the fuck anyone is supposed to do.