These are great! I love that they don’t just look like anime, they look like old anime.
These are great! I love that they don’t just look like anime, they look like old anime.
Have you ever seen an anime?
Because the union jack represents the United Kingdom, which is also Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. All 4 of the home nations have their own team.
You know what happens when I don’t like a movie. I go on the Internet and try to fundraise to re-make that exact movie, but how I like it.
Because if you don’t see the difference between ignoring criticism and this cluster, I think you need to get a new prescription, Denton, because you’re blind.
You know, some people also didn’t like The Last Jedi because it’s a structurally questionable movie with some bad writing and underdeveloped (or underused) characters.
The Last Jedi: Still better than the prequels.
The Last Jedi kind of sucked, but remaking it is even a dumber thing that only gets traction on twitter.
I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone when I read the various negative reactions to this film. Like, I genuinely do not understand how we saw the same film.
“There will be no funeral, no repast, everyone get the hell out of my church” MY. CHURCH. This strike anyone else as hugely fucked up?
You’re assuming Hannity’s viewers can read.
This is such a good list. Even if you were on the fence about her, thinking “socialism isn’t for me”, you look at that list and say “damn, I support all of that”.
Controversial? Is that supposed to be code for “good for nothing” low down abuser? This man was a disgrace who traumatized his entire family. Far as I’m concerned the only good thing he ever did was expire.
Your comment is the equivalent of “why don’t you just leave him” to an abused spouse/girlfriend. Or, why you still have a relationship with a Trump Supporting Uncle. It’s often a lot more complicated than that.
Good riddance to a child abuser
Ah yes, the suspense in this district that went 78-20 in favor of Clinton is just going to be killing us.
Ocasio-Cortez is exactly the kind of candidate we need running everywhere for everything. Sick of the the status quo, new ideas, actual passion for serving the people. Maybe the time is nigh for the Democratic Party to fade away and the Democratic Socialists to replace them.
To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.
So, as always, this was such a great article & I’m glad I saw it. Though, I admit I clicked on it because I’ve asked that question before.
“Goku finds out his heritage very quickly”
“I didn’t read what you wrote but I disagree with it.”