
No, they’ve made clear that wont be the case again, and only happened last year because the shooting schedules had already been locked in before Supergirl moved networks.

I knew this poster was reminding me of something!

Gotta say, this looks a lot better then Medusa’s.

The green hair looks good! I hope the Gifted ends up being good. Amy Acker being in it is always a plus.

It really does feel like either io9, or just Beth, resent this show for existing at all, and that colors the response quite a bit.

Honestly its responses like this why so many shows stay away from stuff like this. Its ALWAYS a damned if you do damned if you don’t scenario for these shows, especially Network shows that have to appeal to a MUCH broader audience then New York or LA based entertainment writers.

Exactly. Beth should remember that while she might be well-versed on gender and trans issues, the average Fox viewer isn’t, and thus the show can speak to them as it would speak to her.  It is fine to point out where the episode could be improved, but this article just dismiss the whole thing as regressive crap

I find the critiques of this show fascinating:

This show seems like it is Star Trek lite with a few dick jokes thrown in. It clearly loves Star Trek as much as anybody can.

Frankly, I was surprised that it worked at times, especially given the lack of research into the issue of gender identity.

You have 45 min to try and discuss in detail a subject so complex and polarizing that it has destroyed families and is only recently, past 5 year to a decade, been discussed with any true consideration and understand on a national level. Then you have to do it in an entertaining way.

This was only meant to start a

What happened to applauding the effort? Was that not a negative enough endpoint for the review? When did io9 decide ridicule must punctuate articles like this? We will never get TNG season 8, so let the Orville be assessed on its own merits, not your expectations of the people involved.

Yep. The Democrats’ last half-century now has largely been an abject failure on a biblical scale, and their trademark approach (i.e. “Neoliberalism and Capitulation”) can only serve to further marginalize them. But for a very few wedge issues, the GOP and Democrats are basically two spouts coming out of the same

Because HRC and Pelosi arent part of the problem at all.....

Man, between this and the players asking for a social justice month, I bet the Ginger Hammer is going to be pounding the white zin tonight. After it breathes a little of course, he’s not an animal.

On top of making $115 a day/per person to be locked up while the stocks of GEO Group and CoreCivic. Immigration policy is such a disgusting mask for capitalism.

Like Paul Newman said in Cool Hand Luke: “Callin’ it your job don’t make it right, boss.”

I find Janet so forking adorable. Such a great cast!

Were these bystanders not there, these folks would have been disappeared. This is chilling.

Everyone who works for ICE look like they just came from a KKK Pancake Breakfast.