
If you want examples, then read the fucking memo. It was only a page or so, so it shouldn’t take long (but do take off your hood first).

I read part of it and have listened to a few of his interviews on what his intent was and what he meant with the memo. I didn’t come in here blind, yea, I should have maybe finished reading the thing first but I saw the story and I think stories like this make the whole thing out to be a lot different than it really

This is an odd argument I hear a lot, and almost exclusively with regards to Star Wars. How many other movies have you seen where you already knew the ending? How many adaptations have you seen where you already knew the story?

Yeah you’re about the only person who feels that way. It was brilliant.

That’s ridicous? It was perfectly plotted through out.

I am so excited for this to be back. That first season was utterly fantastic.

That was the final “I have to go scrub myself with soap” moment of reading his tweets in this article.

By attempting to ascribe “coolness” or express admiration for a hate group’s hierarchy, it seems as though Damore is attempting to chip away at the animosity directed toward them.

I was going to write a comment about the ‘sensible’ centrist-liberals who always seem to show up defending this guy, but I guess I didn’t have to look far to find one.

So...you identify with him, eh? Is that why you’re coddling him without even reading his shit?

I haven’t read the whole memo

It’s like teaching your child to be responsible about drugs and sex without addressing the fact that they can be fun.

There’s NOTHING cool about the KKK. Starting a discussion about the coolness of their titles separate from their acts doesn’t make you witty, iconoclastic, or thought provoking. It just makes you a fucking asshole.

I am fully conversant in Dungeons and Dragons and I assure you Grand Wizard is not a level title. Bad enough we got tagged with the Satanist bullshit, we don’t need Klan too.

Exactly. “Erasing History” is about erasing the propaganda version of history created in the 20th century to justify Jim Crow, and replacing it with actual honest to goodness history. The Lost Cause ain’t history, it’s propaganda, but it’s what they mean when they say “history.”

—signed, a white dude against certain

It will not surprise you to know that this topic has been HOT on the white BBQ circuit this summer. Inevitably, I find myself explaining that preservation of history does not mean the preservation of statues erected, non-contemporaneously, with a specific political agenda: maintaining white supremacy.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously a keyboard is a scalpel cause this is surgical precision.

Of course, Rone is claiming “not me!” insisting that her page was hacked ...

Why don’t they pack up and move back to Africa

I didn’t think I could get any more angry over what’s happening to my government but lo and behold, here I am.