
Abuse is abuse, and what this man did to his children is not forgivable, they can do whatever, because he’s their father, but I refuse to honor a man who was such an incredibly terrible person by any measure.

Because there are some actions which are iredeemable in the eyes of many people in my household, chief among them is the abuse of women and children. These are not the actions of a good person, and by any measure Joe Jackson was a horrible individual, not worthy of praise but of scorn. Around me we spit when we hear

Controversial? Is that supposed to be code for “good for nothing” low down abuser? This man was a disgrace who traumatized his entire family. Far as I’m concerned the only good thing he ever did was expire.

Black voters are not a monolith, visit any barbershop or hair salon in Harlem or in the Bronx, and you’ll see an incredible array of opinions on politics and how things could be changed. I wish Nixon could have a fair hearing, but 2016 reminds us how difficult it can be for a white progressive without a pre-existing

It’s moving the goal posts.... we know where it’s coming from. Wypipo are uncomfortable with black people period. All the excuses come back to that in the end when followed to their genesis. For decades the generation of adults has been shown constant images in media of the criminal/thief/thug as being a black male,

There it is... the right has their next talking point. Children don’t deserve human decency if they aren’t born in America and they aren’t white. The Propaganda machine has issued the call.

I hope you’re wrong, but it’s becoming more and more clear that business as usual is how we got here. It’s time people on the left stop relying on middle of the road candidates with no spine, and no courage. The right is attempting a dictatorship, and soon it will be one party rule.

This is going to be a fight... it’s going to be hard... it’s going to be long... it’s going to be dirty... a street brawl to save or lose our democracy, one side knows this. The other side is still pretending like it’s Queensberry rules of boxing.

We’ll she’s right...the message isn’t hidden. Melania’s utter lack of caring for immigrant children is right there in the text.

I don’t need soundbytes, I have read your comment history, your attitude and vitriol is clear. You offer nothing but defense of indefensible, personal attacks and screeds about liberals. You know little about the issue, and what you do spout comes from hateful websites and false news.

Actually many are from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador ... some from as far away as Venezuela, and yes Colombia. Look into the history of those nations, and the US failed policy from both republican and democratic admins has lead directly to the flight of many immigrants. But your ignorance of these facts doesn’t

That’s great for you. I would imagine the opportunity to virtue signal would make you wet.

these people are here voluntarily

Yes, and perhaps you’d like it better if we lined them up and allowed you to throw tomatoes at them and other assorted fruit? These people don’t deserve this sort of treatment for trying to make a better life for themselves and thier families, and certainly not ‘indefinite detention’.There is a reasonable path forward

I see your lite concentration camps... and raise you indefinite detention camps.

Now witness the power of this fully operational propaganda machine... they have over half of republicans actively salivating over ripping young children from arms of mothers and fathers. Now they will convince the ones left (the ones with any sense of right and wrong) that their dear leader is just being tough, and is

Damn if Melania goes all Cersei Lannister on the Trump clan I for one will be there with popcorn. Not saying I’m signing up to be in the Queensguard or anything... but at least our slide into straight up fascism would be more entertaining.

Should have stayed on the magic for another 3 seasons, and helped the team rebuild. Instead he left and became a laughing stock. Meanwhile the magic are the worst team in the NBA. You can’t even mock them, it’s just sad.

Exactly... what’s next?