Correct, only a coward would pretend that kidnapping children who may never see there parents again is a noble or respectable act.
Correct, only a coward would pretend that kidnapping children who may never see there parents again is a noble or respectable act.
When your evil is so bad that even evil corporations don’t want any part of it....
Oh and by the by, I’m dimissing your response with a personal attack in the first sentence. Trolls like you don’t deserve to be a part of this discussion, and we’d all be better of without your ilk pushing us all to a place of hate.
There was a long road to where we are, and democrats were not always on the right side of this issue, many still aren’t... but they are by and large better then republicans who have become absurd caricatures on this issue.
Considering New York has a large number immigrants who are affected by administration policy, they have all the standing they need.
I don’t think splinter should be carrying water for democrats... pretending like they are the heroes will lead us right back here in a few years, only this time it will be middle of the road politicians who bring us here.
When you see a child as a bargaining chip, or use them as leverage to try an enact change... you’re sick, and you aren’t in the realm of reasonable.
You missed a few:
They are, Gov. Coumo filed one just two days ago, and the ACLU has a suit pending as well.
Agreed, there is no republican party any more... only Trump. The only chance to put this country back into a lane of sanity is if more republicans realize that they need to join democrats and independents in excising the cancer in the highest office.
Vote for me... or the scary browns and blacks will hurt you.
Like the ad... really odd messenger. Agree on all points though, the Trump Cartel is a dumpster fire that is out of control and getting worse.
This is good. We need more of these monsters in jail and out of the federal government. Trump and his cohorts are all crooks and traitors. In a just world we’d need a bell to ring every time one of them goes to jail.
This is a troll...
Really? The people being shot and killed by police, the folks being arrested for literally being the wrong skin color, the ones who are being threatened, beaten, and shot... we’re the problem?
So now we can only complain about injustice and criminality when it happens to us directly?
Trump actually hasn’t done that much