
We really have reached a tipping point on many of these ‘discussions’ where one side is arguing for human decency, and the other side is just arguing that anyone that protests deserves to die for it. The victim blaming is beyond anything I could have imagined.

By the way folks... flag and dismiss the trolls, racists, and fascists please. There is no arguing with people who support the murdering of unarmed protesters for any reason.

When your country becomes a monster, it can be hard to understand how it became so. But we know America has always had this as part of it’s identity. The monster has always been there. It isn’t talked about by the white majority, but this has always been a country who is fine with violence and oppression as a means of

Clash? Really, unarmed protestors being mowed down by Israeli gunfire is a “clash?”

Sorry it’s hard to read your post as anything other then victim blaming.

This didn’t have to happen... none of this. Moving the embassy was bad a decision among the many terrible foreign policy moves by this ‘government’ (band of fascists, demagogues, and reprobates.) There is no easy road to peace in that region, but certainly that peace is not paved with the bodies of unarmed men women

I never said “liberals don’t mind corruption.” That’s a blanket statement that you’re reading into my actual words.

I doubt for all the anger at Trump (all of it warranted by the way) there will be much change until something truly traumatic happens. I haven’t a clue what that will be. But the level, ignorance, lack of attentiveness in our body politics, apathy from voters, and corruption, will mean we will get more of the same for

It isn’t pedantry, it’s reality. There are millions of people who either can’t or won’t vote. The reasons are complex, we could spend days discussing why people don’t. I just boiled it down to a couple of chief reasons. IF someone is ignorant, that is there choice in this society. If you don’t know how you’re getting

So noted.

...but the other 330,000,000 of us are upset by the fact that such corruption not only exists and is rampant, but is on such a shameful public display

Make no mistake, all of these incidents simply highlight a truth that we as black people have known for a long time. White folks cannot simply let us be.

The trail of white tears is long, and includes coffee rights, shopping privileges, and concern about brown people not giving them due concern. I have watched too many, and now I must walk alone into the mountains to process the banality and fragility of whiteness.

Not to defend victim-blaming...

Reread it recently, and damned if it didn’t feel a little brighter of a story then it did in 2015. We’ve fallen a long way in a few short years.

So... when can we expect the next Trump corruption/collusion/incompetence scandal, we thinking before noon? I just want to know so I can prepare the proper amount of rage.

I think there’s room to not like Young Dolph’s mysognistic and offensive rap lyrics, and also not firing people for playing it when there were no guidelines for what they can and can’t play. The employees didn’t make the music, and the song playing behind them does not mean the approve, agree, or advocate it’s content.

As someone who has never seen a Star Wars movie...

Oh he’s working on it... believe me.

That’s a total misrepresentation of DG, and totally your opinion 100%. It’s amazing how you made the full transition from “he said a couple of problematic things” to “He hates black women and thinks were trash.”