
Because the traditional definition of marriage doesn’t really exist anymore. There are folks that have been together for decades who have more of a marriage then people who put a ring on it. Don’t knock him because the world is crazy. Having kids with someone and being their partner in life is what marriage is, title

which keeps being highlighted like that’s why sisters are mad

who has built his brand and his fame around colorism and Misogynoir

A lot of times with artists such as Glover get maligned I hear the same refrains from a lot of the same voices. It always boils down into this: I want a perfect messenger with zero flaws to embody the art I enjoy or I dismiss or denigrate their voice. There are some comments around here that make wonder what were

Years back when this parts of this story came to light, I went all in on defending Cosby. I was a damn fool. He was my hero, and idol, an icon... who didn’t want to be a dad like him? I honestly didn’t realize the scope of this monsters reach, and thought it was just a few women after his money. Then, the numbers

Now playing

Seems like Eddie Murphy’s Comedy Routine on this subject did the trick.

We have seen the bottom before. Large “camps” where human beings are processed, and then simply start disappearing.

Every single point you just made was either a lie, or an illogical statement unsupported by any facts or any evidence.

Thank you. I get the knee jerk defense response. But this is a little girl being used by someone. Given some of the content I’ve seen, CPS should be contacted. A 9 year old shouldn’t be involved with this stuff at all.

Thank you. I get the knee jerk defense response. But this is a little girl being used by someone. Given some of the content I’ve seen, CPS should be contacted. A 9 year old shouldn’t be involved with this stuff at all.

“We were aware of this incident after it occurred and we immediately began conducting an administrative investigation into the conduct of the officer involved.”

I said it before, but I’ll say it again. The First lady is too good for us. We don’t deserve her leadership. Maybe in another 100 years, someone like her would be the leader that would take us into another century with pride. But this backwards, racist, deeply misogynistic culture we have right now isn’t there.

I’m of two minds on this. I don’t like POC students being shoved around on a day they accomplish something pretty amazing considering the abysmal graduation rates for my folks in this country... They should be allowed to celebrate a bit. Maybe not bull rush them... at all?

“We do need no otside peeples tellin’ us whoin to vte fer! I lke Blenksip cusa he tell it lik it es!” - WV native.

This whole story feels gross, and I need a shower. These are terrible people, and this poor girl is to young to know she’s being exploited by her parent and whoever this scumbag is.

What about the claims of drug use? The large amounts of money being clearly displayed? I’d say there is probable cause for there to be a inquiry by the state as to the child’s welfare. There is also possible corruption of a minor. There is no doubt in my mind that there is abuse going on here, as well as illegal

Child labor laws? Come on chief theres gotta be something that can be looked into? Probable cause for a search of the home? Drug possession? Child endangerment. Corruption of a minor? This child shouldn’t be in this persons care.

Correct... what we have here is a Logan Paul situation. She’s making those companies money, and so the incentive shut her down is not as strong as it is to keep making said money.

The problem isn’t the old’s, it’s the yutes. The people giving her fame are the millions of teens and pre-teens with thier clicks and views. Our world is designed for views and degradations to be rewarded with money.

You assume she survives until adult hood. This story has a OD and missing child vibe all over it.