
He Who Remains After Closing to Clean Out the Rat Traps.

I can take or leave more Kang. I enjoyed his absolute ruthlessness in ‘Quantumania’. That said, I think there are other more interesting characters (Doom, any number of X-villains) I’d love to see take centre stage.

Maybe Marvel can use this as a good excuse to take some time and rethink some of their strategies for the future. I’m not as big a naysayer as some people when it comes to the MCU - I really liked ‘The Marvels’, for example - but it’s very clearly been a rocky road for the last year or two. Take the opportunity to say

Had Majors been found not guilty, I’m guessing they also had a settlement offer to end his contract drawn up as well.

Isabelle Huppert as Doctor Doom or GTFO.

You and I remember Juliette Binoche very differently.

Kang sees the Time Knife.

Ooh, I can second the casting of Nathan Lane.

Doctor Strange actually saw two outcomes where they beat Thanos, but he likes Scott so he didn’t want to mention the second unless he really had to.

It’s a stupid theory, but also, why are reporters asking about it? The Duffer Brothers wouldn’t give away their ending even if it were true. Why is a dumb fan theory, possibly not even seriously considered by the people who put it out there, worth talking about to the creators? Just because something is on the

I always ask the question of this type of fan theory: what would it add to the story? What would be the significance of it being a dream? For example, I remember reading somewhere that some people thought that Phoebe in ‘Friends’ was daydreaming about being friends with five other people she saw through a coffee shop

Ah, ‘Farscape’, the show that dared to put horny eyebrow stroking on TV where it belongs.

I’m more of a Wordwang guy.

Or a retelling of ‘A Christmas Carol’ starring the title character, ‘Everybody Haunts Raymond’.

The Planet Zeist died on its way back to itself.

Time to do the Dance of Joy.

That ending aged badly roughly 0.000000009 seconds after it happened.

People give Abrams a lot of grief for shitting on everything Rian Johnson wrote, but to be fair, he also shat on everything he himself wrote. Chewie’s dead! Nah, he’s fine. Finn has something super important to tell Rey! Don’t worry about it. C3PO’s memories are lost, because we know R2D2 doesn’t do regular backups!

Supreme Leader Snook.

I think Abrams is kind of obsessed with having his version of things be supreme. That’s why his Star Trek is not just a rebooted continuity; it’s the original continuity interrupted by time-travel shenanigans so that his version of the story essentially supplants the original. He seems like he would be exhausting to