
a racist commenter on AV Club? Well I never!

it’s already lost 1/3 of its initial viewers from the first episode. 1.5 mil to 1 mil is a steep decline in 3 weeks, especially for a show with just an 8-week run. Ratings-wise it’s doing about half of what Westworld was, so it’s a little disingenuous to word this as though it’s on par with that. It’s not.

good. That’ll give the writer you have covering this show a little time to learn how to scale back on metaphors

it was funny seeing people of Indian heritage speaking up saying “Nah, Apu is fine” and a bunch of white people shouting them down with “YOU DON’T SPEAK FOR ALL INDIAN PEOPLE!” This dude was desperate for a schtick, found an outrage button and made a “documentary.” Kudos to him for taking advantage of it, but it was

not the correct lighter shade of Elizabeth Banks’s liking.

she hasn’t necessarily re-invented herself. She’s still a really bad actress. AV Club types just automatically believe that you must be a great actor/actress if you start doing Indies. But most people know she’s still not very good.

people gotta stop giving Kristen Stewart work. She’s horrendous.

Correct. People don’t want to fuck a frog. If you’re speaking of other amphibians, then “nobody” is a grossly inaccurate term.

It wasn’t his scoop. Given that this site steals everyone else’s ideas, though, I wouldn’t expect you to know the difference.

You’re fighting a straw man

has that fake outraged Indian dude weighed in yet or no?

and just moved to Florida to be within walking distance of their headquarters

As I stated, pretty much everything you know about him is purely speculation. Dude is as private as they come. I can’t frame him as an integral part of an organization if I don’t actually know if he is.

/also accurate


imagine your job solely being “write 200 words every morning and then you’re done” and still complaining about it.

Controversial fan interference, we should say.

you would know. You’re asked to use it quite often.

if there was ever a blog post that perfectly summarized your profile pics, this would be it. And how in the world did it take three people to write this? White people man. SMH.

this show jumped the shark a while ago. The more she does that whole crouch and squint while she talks the harder she’s trying at that point. Shame. This show started with such a bang, but has never attempted to develop deeper.