
dirtside keeps saying they blocked me... but they keep responding to people on my threads. What an adorable act.


Unrelated - you guys really need to be doing write-ups of Misfits and Monsters. I’m sure it’s tough with your behind-the-scenes agreement to write five posts per day about Sacha Baron Cohen, but Bobcat Goldthwait did something really fun and creative and deserves praise for it.

Has Vegas put out an O/U on how long before Reedus offs himself once Walking Dead is done?

lol no

He was amazing in The Hitman’s Bodyguard... and RIPD... and Green Lantern... and The Change-Up... and Just Friends... and Van Wilder... and Two Guys, blah, blah, blah

A black dude eating fried chicken. Nope, nothing to see here.

it sucks that Ryan Reynolds is perfect for Deadpool, because he absolutely sucks in every other role. Dude is a trash actor.

Was it immoral, douchy and all around asshole-y? Yes. I have no idea because I don’t actually know the facts of what did or did not happen.

say my industry friends

you have zero concept of those things... clearly

does it count if Chris Thompson hasn’t bitched about it yet?

who the fuck is Bucky Brooks? Anyway...

meh. People “feigning outrage” would be shitty. Him being fired is not. That’s 100% on him. People acting like their actions shouldn’t bite them in the ass later in life because they made a cool movie is idiotic. Obsessing over child sex is not a forgivable offense.

I’ll bite. What’s the “transphobic comment” you refer to?

intriguing. Thank you.

I simply asked them in two different areas to cite and specify the accusations they laid out. Pretty simple. I’m sorry you’re struggling to understand internet comment boards today kiddo.

such a dad comment 

They didn’t criticize the film. They barely criticized the person. They criticized Scientology, and then decided that Tom Cruise must be a bad person and is at least equal to raging racists because he is a Scientogolist.

Meh. When people make blind accusations they should back them up. I think you more have the case of someone hating a religion and somehow turning that into “this person is a bad human and should be grouped in with known racists”... which is odd at best.