
maybe. Never say never.

All I can say is I’d be very surprised if Chloe’s story was the only one on Chris Hardwick.

I can’t stand Hardwick... I also think he got railroaded here. It’s possible to think independently and believe both.

what he factually did was a lot worse than what Hardwick was accused by one person, and one person only, of doing.

yeah, comparing that to a child rapist is... fucked up. And therein lies part of the problem. You can’t just group all these guys together as one. Hell, he wasn’t even accused of sexual assault, and somehow he’s getting grouped in with those other sick fucks. Makes zero sense - and this is coming from a guy who has to

Tom Cruise is one of the few actors whose real, “public life” has made it very difficult for me to separate the character from the person playing the character

can’t wait to see it!

Nah. I’m happy.  You’re just a racist so I don’t respect you. Sorry bout your day. Be better.

legit laugh out loud out of me. Well done.

Sure. That’s what it is.

That’s like saying “if it wasn’t acceptable for police to shoot unarmed dudes they wouldn’t do it.”

And why, once they start, do they so often drop out?

what do you mean?

He trusts me. He knows I’m the type of person that when I see someone crying out for help, I offer my support.

I’m sorry you feel that way. Would you rather text? Would that help you be more comfortable in stating your feelings?

I’m surprised James Gunn didn’t try this excuse

I’m sorry you feel that way. Feel free to let it all out.

that I’m gay? I’m not sorry for that. But I’m sorry you feel that way.

I’m sorry you feel that way

gender are not