
This has gotta be his fifth or sixth time, going back all-time that is

That’s some extremely white shit we did to the natives

+1 but, it was how I was raised!

I shudder when I think of some of his cult followers actually traveling to see him strikeout

I bet some manufacturers had a whole pile of Tebow bobbleheads to offload and went in halfsies on his salary

And he’s the oldest, in some cases by a decade. That spells failure to anyone but the stigmata man himself

And now it sounds like they fall through Jesus H Tebow’s hands too. Stigmata is what it was, not from the batting practice

That’s the problem taunting players from the visiting teams. You’ll eventually get to someone that wants to join the fun, has had a few drinks too many and their vocabulary is only at a third grade level. Some people just don’t know boundaries even as some players may enjoy a little good natured ribbing.

Wait did he just suggest he had an option to wear peanuts over his eyes?

I’m pretty sure he was getting a rap on the head for his skin color, and the tighter expectations of minorities in hockey. If Peter Forsberg, or Joe Sakic were out there dancing in warm-ups, they would always marvel at how they’re loose.

I cancelled my subscriptions but not because of anything espn did. Cancelled cause of Goodell and the nfl not taking responsibility for their tobacco like denial of head injuries. All else was just collateral damage

Yeah I’d say the strategy was sound. It’s on the other teams for getting to much tunnel vision on the individuals shooting at them, rather than thinking strategically. That’s certainly part of the battle, the ebbs and flows. If you spend all your time ebbing, you’re gonna have a bad time

You shockingly missed the daily show with Jon Stewart. That and the Colbert report. They were a running gag that everyone watched that weeknights for afternoon delight time

Hell yes! I love the fantasy that women are into video games. I hope they do really well

It’s like running on pins and nails I heard!

Yeah, sad I missed it actually :(

Or hanging the led signs on the side of the ring. I can’t wait till they get some maliable led sides for the ring sides. I’m sure they’d be ridiculously expensive now

That’s brutal. Im sure they’re not doing the Bulgarian brute spots with rusev anymore. Of course that’s when I stopped watching most recently again. Their writing gets super lazy and the nostalgia of the wwe network only got me so far

Shotguns at half?

+1 straight arrow