
Coach says, you’re a bad guy!

We nicknamed a guy pee green cause he pissed green at one season’s testing. Found out weeks later he was put on dialysis.

Well, the wealthy don’t get wealthy by paying people what they’re worth, but what they’ll take. So we adjusted the equation, buckle in for the next adjustment that we know will be coming eventually.

We all know he’ll be back as surprise entry 7-23 I next several royal rumbles over the next couple decades

If we spot a dejected quarterback with a towel over his head and moping around the switchboard will light up!

It’s why snap into a slim Jim and the wrestle buddies will forever be their advertising staples

Well, that’s certainly the kind of courage I’d expect out of north Carolina and the ncaa

Damn you, for being so right

Who got to Patrick?!

I think that’s totally appropriate for the metaphor as Mr North would be paying a mouth with flavor for several minutes at a time, in literal gobs n gobs. So letting it rest on your tongue for several minutes checks out

I’m sure that’s purely a coincidence, just like all the other complete coincidences in this crony Whitehouse

I dunno, I get plenty of those which I chalk up to my old friends failing at life and are eager to rope me in. I just tell them I make too much a hour to waste one listening to their exciting opportunity to become an independent business owner

The Rocky mountain madman, but they let ‘no analytics’ Roy go

Monkey brain: YES

Im gonna go with Basketball Ringmaster

Nay, I say! I’m looking right

Age doesn’t make you toothless and I don’t recall him having a memorable sweets habit. He does smoke quite a bit though so perhaps but that would be s diseased gum issue I think, which he’d probably heal from before it became an issue

Ya, now that you remind me of that nuclear blast scene, wtf

Mmmmmm. Fried shamrocks. That’s a mouth full of luck and flavor I can get behind, or under