I’m gonna go draw a lukewarm bath, put on some Radiohead, and cut myself with a razor now. Across-the-street-cry-for-help cutting, not up-the-river-let’s-do-this cutting.
I’m gonna go draw a lukewarm bath, put on some Radiohead, and cut myself with a razor now. Across-the-street-cry-for-help cutting, not up-the-river-let’s-do-this cutting.
Limited numbers, all sold etc but I don’t care. Thank you Holden for sending the Aussie car out with something we can be proud of.
It’s like a G8 but goatsyer.
The GTS-R W1 is already sold out.
Agreed David, this was a really cool video.
Let’s not exaggerate! Donald Trump travelled all the way to Slovenia to meet the love of his life’s family and stayed for an entire, uh, lunch?
I always think of djinns at your name.
Moors and Berbers = SAME. !اهلا يا اخي Moors may be mixed with both Berber and Arab (as is most of North Africa)
You and I are soulmates. I’m 3/4 Ukrainian (some other Eastern European mixed in there), and 1/4 Berber (that is: the African population of the Maghreb previous to the Arab domination). The Ukrainian part is immigrant; the African part has been here for generations. No one can get their heads around this — even in…
That’s brilliant!
Not all black people are Africans and not all Africans are black
Let me warn you that if you start Chapter 9 by speaking to Chancellor Hillary in Venice the game turns into a linear blah dee blah plot slog and all the joy is gone till near the end of Chapter 13, maybe 8 hours worth before you can get back to the open world boy band joy.
Yes; I’m biracial but (in my particular case), we have our own set of issues which make none of the categories helpful to apply. At a certain point, no category ever fits all. But I always simply go with how the person decides to classify herself. Hopefully all categories (for people) will become obsolete with this…
Tsk tsk, scapegoating the south lets the rest of the country pretend this doesn’t happen in their own back yards!
Extra weight and probably no manual. It’ll help economy and probably acceleration, but I seriously doubt it’ll make it more fun to drive.
Also, she basically hired Ike Turner* as her coach.
Nor would it have the electronic warfare systems that, while not much talked about, are really the revolutionary capability that the F-35 will bring. Nor will it have the internal weapons bay that truly provides stealth during the first days of combat, when the objective is first to take down an enemy integrated…