
and the number of people who give a shit about that aren’t enough to make the FR-S/BRZ a viable product.


it’s as heavy as my 2004 SRT-4 was, and has less power.

So someone took the ideas of a 12 year old hopped up on pixie stix in the early 2000’s, and decided to ACTUALLY MAKE IT A THING. WE MUST DONATE ALL THE MONIES TO THIS CAUSE. ITS FOR THE CHILDREN I SWEAR IT

My earlier post insufficiently descriptive. I just read OP again, thought about it, and here's my update.

AWD Mustang perhaps? I can get down with that.

This makes me miss the Steel Battalion controller.

What an amazing car, back in the day and now!

Speaking of amazing 90's - early 00's concept cars that weren't produced, here's another.

I set this to my desktop.

Now playing

They do sound good, but I spent 2 minutes waiting for them to rev up above idle... As a child of the 80s, a Formula 1 car should sound like this:

What the hell kind of poop water is solid goddamn black like that? Not any poop water I've ever seen!

It must be such a relief to see something black on the floor in Chicago that isn't Derrick Rose.

Experienced pilots are what make a plane lethal.
If we forego training to put all our faith in technology, we risk making the mistakes of Vietnam all over again.