It’s one of those things you're glad they did but ultimately it's not really going to sell them any more consoles. But Microsoft's strategy is about selling an ecosystem rather than hardware these days.
I feel like a lot of the Series’ improvements over last gen are like that: decidedly unsexy, but in terms of general quality of life, actually pretty impressive. Like Microsoft was working overtime to make sure you didn’t really notice the changeover in generations, which is... kind of thankless and boring in terms of…
Perhaps they’re saving the Stampede driving mode for Cars and Coffee exits only...
Because shut up, Kyle.
Me too!
Of all the things they decided to use to test their AI’s capabilities, they used a military strategy game?
I’m just surprised that the gymnastics outfit was in keeping with the BYU dress standards.
I did all my driving schools in a (leased) 2004 RX-8. Phenomenal car!
The MKIV had the same problem, which resulted in a price drop in 1997 that still couldn’t save it in the US. Also didn’t help that the MKIV offered Camaro performance for Corvette money in the same year. At least they learned... nothing?
Our carriers are bigger, and have catapults to help with the short takeoff.
And it has the greatest rear end of any ferrari ever.
This is my dream car.
People can hate on this thing all they want. But this has and always will be on my top 3 cars of all time. I would buy it without hesitation and without giving a fuck about price if money were no concern for me.
I do admit I’ve told this story more than once, but I don’t think it would hurt to tell it one more time.
You are 100% correct, of course. I just like to think of Haggar as fun and awesome, a video game version of what people like about Teddy Roosevelt. Ventura, however, was kind of a disaster and has descended into mustacheless lunacy.