Ignatius Reilly's Valve

Here’s a long-ass post: I recently started transitioning, after decades of awareness that my birth gender felt horrible going all the way back to...age 14? What kept me from taking action for more than 20 years was the general hostility I perceived at all levels of society. I’m only doing it now because my own

This should go for every aspect of life. There is no reason why society should pay attention to anything celebrities discuss outside of their specific talent. And for those with no talent at all like the Kardashians, we shouldn’t be hearing from them at all. There is no reason why anyone should look to celebrities on

They already paid ten fucking thousand dollars (or whatever it costs now) for the promise of “appreciating robotaxis next year” every year for like the last decade. What makes you think they wouldn’t go ahead and pay the 8 bucks for the opportunity to display their undying zeal for their attention-jealous deity, St.

This is funny to me because you can’t have one without the other. Celebrities are held in such high regards when it comes to everything else, why would that not be afforded to their political statements. We can’t as a society care about what x person is wearing or the child they’re having and then say, “but why do we

The truth has a liberal bias.

When your life is shit, and it your own fault because you made bad choices, it’s easy to strike out at someone who is “different” ... and the GOP’s greatest strength is making everyone else seem different than their base.

And this is what all the “home protection” idiots fail to understand. If you think you need a gun to protect you from an armed home invasion (incredibly rare), then it needs to be loaded and accessible. But then kids can get access to it and shoot you, themselves, their friends, or anyone. The data on this is

No, see, because I grew up with guns safely and I have warm fuzzies about ol’ grandpappy and guns, therefore we can’t just take away the guns because I personally am a good person and what about my needs? If the price of me keeping my warm fuzzy safe relationship with guns is a child gun-death rate found nowhere else i

I’ve been avoiding this story but I guess I’m done with that.

But, did you single-handedly save General Custer’s army during the Bowling Green Massacre?  Because Santos did.

All the schools I attended had detailed dress codes; one even required that shirts be tucked in. And yet none of those dress codes specifically or categorically prohibited Klan robes, Confederate flags, or Cowboys jerseys, though I don’t recall ever seeing anyone wear those things. The overwhelming majority of the rule

I have a bad habit of paying too much attention to lyrics... a lot of people like the song Iris but I can’t listen to it because he starts a bunch of sentences with “and” (plus it's schmaltzy as fuck)

Loved Tequila Sunrise. Bums me out that Raul Julia died young and this asshole is still walking around with virtually no consequences for his behavior.

It’s still a thing.  Let me know when he redeems himself.

It sounds like things are already going great for Woomer! After Santos appeared to flash a white power symbol on the House floor

One of the worst parts about Oksana Grigorieva’s ordeal with Mel Gibson is the fact that after all the legal actions taken, and all the humiliation she endured from him, she pretty much disappeared from the spotlight, while Gibson has been able to meander his way back in... Most aspects of her career seemingly stopped

Multi-millionaire loses one chance to make a few more million because of shit he did; conservatives elevate him to martyr status, whine that the left won't tolerate intolerance. Sounds about right.

The days when unrepentant violent racist shitheads could be declared as “redeemed” by the gullible?  No.  I don’t.

What did Mel Gibson do exactly to earn that redemption?

Gallipoli and Mad Max.  But that was probably more about the directors than Mel.