Iggy Crash

Maybe if he were almost naked and she were fully dressed for a change, it'd be more interesting.

Why don't any female performers wear pants or skirts anymore? Does anyone actually know why??

Jezebel:Omg _insert pop star here_ was doing a dirty dance in front a live audience don't they know they aren't empowering themselves and are just feeding into the disgusting male gaze?

Seriously, can we talk about this 'eat the cake, Anna Mae' lyric?

I keep imagining Tina Turner watching from home, thinking 'what is THIS fuckery?'

Sorry I may get a lot of hate, but Beyonce does nothing for me when it comes to music. When someone always has to lip sync how can they be so called talented. And what's up with her always keeping her legs open during every damn performance, I just don't understand how this woman became so popular with little singing

Ok, I'm the oldz here. I didn't think it sounded good

Ok. He bugs me too. But he's on a crash course, pun intended, to get himself or someone else killed, and is clearly losing it. Reporting him crying is a little mean. We're officially kicking a boy when he's down.

So the takeaway is that we're still buying into notions of masculinity that mean that a man crying is contrary to his masculinity... little surprised that nobody sees a problem with that.

'Man cries his eyes out is not a real macho man'

Since when do we gloat at someone's pain? Or mock their family? Seriously, that's pretty low.

And another Jezebel writer lashes out to commenter criticism with far too much defensiveness and ire... :-/

Who wants me to (with a fake email address, obvs.) contact them in the name of investigative journalism?

My city of Melbourne is also getting its first cat cafe soon AND in March I'm going to Japan - land of the cat cafés!! I'm so excited, I've already picked out one to visit. It's filled with all rescue cats and I can't wait to cuddle them all!

Can I ask a question?

Politically successful women are damned if they do and damned if they don't do the mothering thing. Wendy Davis is too busy to properly rear her children! She is a bad woman. DON'T VOTE FOR HER! THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

so, we're left with what: two, maybe three shades of gray?

Newt Gingrich- divorced cancer-stricken spouse to marry his secretary with the helmet of hair. Conservatives are fine with this because PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!!

Yeah my black African friend went to University in Russia back in the day, and his (black African) friend and fellow student was beaten to death on the street for walking with a white Russian girlfriend. That story was red flag number one for me...

Isn't a hearty "nonapology" still better than what Jezebel.com has offered regarding the you know what fuck up?