Iggy Crash

They did similar random (but slightly more appropriate?) things for other heritage months: taco wednesdays for Hispanic heritage month, random stir fry things for Asian American heritage month, etc.

This has to be about the tenth time I've heard of such an incident.

Thank god. I went from liking, to empathizing, to straight up hating Larry. What a bastard.

If absolutely no guy ever thinks you like him, what that really means is you're ugly, yes? (Because he doesn't like you, and thus isn't jonesing to either lay you or win your hand.)

In my experience, the kinds of guys who would do public proposals without an already-discussed "yes" are the ones who have absolutely no boundaries, and are merely egging on the rest of the no-boundary-having men out there, perpetuating the idea that women think this sort of thing is "romantic." These are the same men

That's what my husband and I did. The idea of a 'proposal' was stupid and awkward to me. Besides, I knew he was the man I would marry about 30 minutes into our first real conversation (though I wisely kept that bit to myself). I also refused to get an engagement ring or spend a bunch of money on some shiny rock


I was in Spain. The project I was working on the Barcelona ASC project.

I blame the mid 90's hyper HIV awareness for my lack of getting super freaky in college.

As a dude, I think one of the problems is that, especially around your college-immediate post college years, there's a lot of pressure to be as promiscuous as possible. Society says "oh you gotta CRUSH those CHICKS HARD" but a lot of us are pretty content to just have one person? And it's tough to say out loud!

Strictly speaking, my sexual orientation is "let's watch TV for entirely too long and then have sex when we're bored"

Why not both?

probably. But when I say stupid things I'm not deliberately encouraging violence towards others who are different to myself.

For someone who rejects the idea that no one can judge another actions, you certainly have an incredible capacity for self-pitying whining when people judge yours.

You probably say stupid shit too.

I'm just telling you what your words are saying. And by the way, you may want to be a little more careful with your use of hyperbole, because there's a whole lot of unintended irony bundled up in your use of the phrase "shrieking defensiveness".

Wait, you're comparing setting boundaries (albeit nastily) with narcissistic parents to committing a mass shooting? Why am I wondering if YOU have been accused of being a narcissist? Because this is the exact kind of hyperbole and tone policing crap they engage in.

Actually, your comments have been pretty shitty and your inadvertently revealing word choice (in which you suggest your chief concern is how things "look" and that this is a "matter of taste") helps make that clear.

Why do you keep asserting things about what your rights are and what other people's rights are? No one has questioned your right to express any of the shitty sentiments you have expressed here, they have just judged you for what you chose to express.

People who advocate taking the high road to total strangers whose circumstances they can't possibly know about are only proclaiming the fact that they have never really been brought low by another person when they had no ability to fight back. It's the ultimate "sit down, shut up, you don't know what you're talking