Iggy Crash

No, he's not and Rupert Grint is a perfect example of a ginger.

Here's the biggest lie/deception that I ever perpetuated on my parents ...

I convinced my mother that my bag of pot and pipe, was "A pipe and natural tobacco I got from a guy in produce who said it wasn't as bad to smoke as cigarettes."

If lying to kids counts, I told my eight-year-old niece this Christmas that her mother wasn't calling her inside from playing in the snow to be mean, but because we knew that the Frost Giants roamed at night, looking for lost children to take away to their icy kingdom to be their slaves, and the children would never

technically, this wasn't a lie, more of a deception, but here goes. I was born in another country but went to university in Australia. Because I didn't have permanent residency status, I was on a student visa, I was only allowed to work 20 hours a week. My classes started, and I was desperate to find a job. My savings

I made my husband think our baby was going to be a girl, when I knew I was having a boy.

I eloped when I was 19 to a boyfriend I had only dated a month. I didn't tell my parents and just said we were moving in together. A month later I deeply regretted it and filed for divorce. It took two years to finalize and I had already started dating my now husband during that period. I didn't tell any of my friends

I don't disagree, but I do think that the way some woman literary writers go to great pains to distance themselves and be so vocally scornful and dismissive of "chick lit" writers. Jennifer Egan is a good example.

I dunno. I'm a fan of the living well is the best revenge school, but I also think — buckets of money or no — it would get old being treated like poor relations when you and others like you pretty much keep traditional publishing afloat so that the so-called serious authors can also ply their trade.

In Her Shoes was very cathartic for me - as the sibling of a mentally ill person.

Oh, Joanne, you probably don't have the equipment Franzen needs in order to accept your recommendation.

Uhh not to mention that when Nicholas Sparks writes the exact same genre, he gets fawned over by reviewers and is referred to as a fiction writer rather than a YA or romance writer.

YES you said this so much better than i just did.

Frazen was the basis of a book rant that I give about how I'm tired of reading about the fall of the American Dream from the eyes of an upper middle class white dude.

I don't think that's true about Weiner, actually, at all. I would put her in an entirely different category of writing than, say, Sophie Kinsella, whose novels rely on tropes and stereotypes to push through retreads of old plots and stories. While I wouldn't say she's my favourite author, I do think she's a

Ok, Jonathon, I'll say it, "she's really good, you should read her" There, does that help? Probably not, because you just want to mansplain a writer of "chick lit" which you feel it's fine to to look down upon, without bothering to read her books. I haven't bothered to read yours, but here is my review of them.

Having never read Jonathan Franzen - but having read most of Jennifer Weiner's highly-readable novels, usually on an airplane - I can only say that this interview made me feel strongly that he is a total dickhead.

Fuck it, I'm just going to say this.


The Back To The Future high-tops were fug even by 80s standards. We just liked the idea of automated shoes.