
All these years, and I’ve never noticed that he used an IMSAI 8080...

Sorry but that part made me a bit sad for Billie. I don’t think the point was “geez, how great was that” but more of a reflection on how a child needs the stability of knowing a parent will come home at the same time every day and help with homework, not keep them up all night to shop at Sharper Image.

I think T.J. Miller is really going to regret leaving “Silicon Valley”

Sit back and ride it out! You got this!

I read this with an eye on my own present situation. My husband is dying. Seriously. He has metastatic cancer and chemotherapy is no longer an option. Before I watched the trailer, I thought to myself that yes, I would make a hologram of him and interact with him every day after he passes away.

Jon Hamm has had an... interesting career. He knocks it out of the park playing a legit iconic character who will be remembered for a very long time, then he divides his time between oddball sci-fi TV shows and making (pretty hilarious) out of character cameo appearances in oddball comedy TV shows, and making

I hate when people do this, but I’m going to do the “I haven’t read the article yet but....” It’s been A DAY and my brain is being a slippery fucker so reading this made me think of Amazon Prime and then made me think “I want Jon Hamm to be the voice of my Echo instead of Alexa”. And then skimming the comment that

Can I order a Keanu Reeves, please?

Omg, it was driving me insane, and I know Kelly Dodd is evil, but I love her for all the wrong reasons.

New York has given me the unbridled glory that cannae be matched, as of yet, of this

God, I can’t stand Andy Cohen. He is one toxic mofo.

the OC women have tipped the scale from fun drama to just overall meanness.

I have thought a million different awful things about myself but never EVER about how my husband’s boner relates to the amount of fat on my body. FUCK THAT RIGHT THERE. Also, my dude, David fucked another woman for months and introduced her to his fucking family. Shannon gained some weight in late middle age, he can

That’s bizarre. I suspect the shame that she is wallowing in might be about alcohol, not fat.

I agree with you, but I had to laugh when Kelly did that blowfish thing on the window. At her, not with her. What an immature mess this woman is.

I went from thin average to obese and there’s something to that. Now that I’ve kicked drinking the next step is smoking then weight loss.


That was badly and confusingly edited, plus the animation was boring and unnecessary, but I watched nearly the whole thing because I am HERE for Natasha Lyonne’s Stevie Nicks look. She’s so charming, they should have just let her meander without interruption.


My brother was lured out of his hotel room and falsely arrested in New Orleans while on vacation with friends. These guys from NJ were accused of stealing a television from the hotel where they were staying. Which I guess they hid...not sure where. And were they supposed to take it on the plane with them? Lousiana