So Emotional

Ladies? This isn’t a ladies problem. This is learned behavior from men.

Climate Change as a theory is entirely fabricated. It’s a political creation that uses fudged data to prove the hypothesis it wants to be true. Using the climate as a political weapon is not new. It’s been done for decades. Remember when the ozone layer was going to disappear because of aerosol cans, air conditioning,

This story is a metaphor for Splinter News webpage. People come here hoping to find lots of interesting words to read that make them feel something, a nice reprieve from their otherwise meaningless, numb lives. Instead, it’s just me. A single bean trying to stay afloat in a sea of inconsequential filler and

Stick to politics. 

It’s propaganda at its finest and most distilled.

There is nothing more satisfying than the left eating itself over its own creations.

You are committed, I’ll give you that. Take a look at the video. There is no wall there except for what they are building. Unless you are claiming the video itself is fake, you’re just denying what’s right in front of you.

‘... was a liar and a coward and not the war hero the media has long made him out to be. I can no longer be the keeper of his secrets.’”

Football used to be good, sucks now though. The league has been NBA’d into little more than a theatrical production for the widest audience possible [read: casual/bandwagon/fair weather fans - the kind Deadspin made a name for itself hating]. It started with fantasy and all the rule changes and weak officiating that

So the player in question was totally blindsided by his own non-compliance?

Gets boring after a while.

Those meetings were set up by Fusion GPS along with Obama’s intelligence assets. It’s amazing that you don’t know this, considering it’s well-documented and indisputable.

Why not just cut your dreadlocks? Is fashion more important to this guy than being part of the team? Or does he just want to make himself a news story to hopefully sidestep into the woke justice fighter club?

Consider yourself lucky to have intelligent opponents in conversation. I have people like yourself.

If BKLYN and its residents weren’t so atrocious, unhygienic, and generally disgusting there wouldn’t be rats all over the streets and sidewalks. Maybe the problem is in the mirror.

How about the Millennials that blog and comment here start practicing what they preach and delete the apps from their phone? Stop using Amazon while you’re at it.

Guarantee you have both apps on your phone and use them.

I know you don’t want to believe it, and you don’t have to - you probably believed the Trump Russia hoax and if that’s the case reality isn’t too firmly in your grasp, but here you go:

False equivalence. The author of this piece used the colloquial form of boss, not the formal one you are using. She took the noun form and tried to verbiate it.

Boss is a noun. There is no verb form and there never will be. Also, didn’t you leave Deadspin last week or the week before?