That take was so hot it burned all the way to my subcutaneous tissue.
That take was so hot it burned all the way to my subcutaneous tissue.
To be fair, it was a Trader Joe's.
The district viewed video of the lap dance on a cell phone video.
Brazilian TVs appear to be pretty sturdy... at least sturdier than some Brazilian vertebraes
Yes, because the appropriate reaction to a verbal taunt is always a beating administered by the "victimized" group.
Hosmer's oddest E.
This fella's first tattoo was just a harmless, little marijuana leaf on his bicep.
[gets tattoo to express self to outside world]
[gets upset at outside world for listening]
You have to laugh at a guy who tries to be all "unique" and "different," yet decides to commit murder in Chicago on 4th of July weekend.
I could see the replica trophy fooling people. But using cardboard cutouts as defenders yesterday proved ill-advised.
I can't wait for the American animation of this.
So she gets to balk, like, a dozenty times? What a cheetah.
Bonus video (from yesterday):
I don't know about this. It seems to me Brazil was the team that sucked.
Well, first off: I didn't mention blitzkrieg, nor was that what I was referring to. Secondly: I don't go on Twitter, so...
To be fair, this is how white people reacted to the red wedding and that's not even real.
Rage sounds the same in any language. Except German, then everything sounds like rage.