lol, you realize this article specifically is about other people insulting Patel’s appearance? It doesn’t really fit into this weird niche of yours.
lol, you realize this article specifically is about other people insulting Patel’s appearance? It doesn’t really fit into this weird niche of yours.
I’m out of the greys on some sites, but not others, and the whole ungreying process still eludes me. I didn’t care as much for the longest time, but with the way Kinja is acting weird nowadays, I comment a lot less on the other sites because most greys just get lost now that Kinja just disappears them.
Yeah, we have to hit around 85% of the population fully vaccinated to have a great effect against Covid transmissions, and we haven’t any idea what we should be doing with kids going to school with no restrictions in effect.
When you can attend public events like this without undue risk is a different story- vaccine rollout sucks ass in a lot of places still, and even if you were to eventually get over your hesitancy and have 1-2 doses very recently, the degree of the delta strain transmission in a lot of denser places makes for a good…
That is a fair sentiment, and if that was what was being said I’d have jack shit to say- a lot of the responses I’ve got have been that “a trailer shows EXACTLY what a movie should be” and that “Jason Reitman is not capable of making my expected follow-up to Ivan Reitman’s work!”, both of which are delusional…
No. Trailers don’t have genre. They’re advertisements for films. Films have genre. Marketing material is cut to portray a certain thing, and that certain thing isn’t necessarily the whole breadth of the film. In this trailer, less than 3min, there is very little dialogue- do you think that is to scale or something?…
You seem to have a big issue with people reacting to the actual content of the trailer.
lol, that is a truly half-witted point of contention.
Wow, what a galaxy-brained maxim, I’m sure all trailers operate on this principle! /s
I think there’s some great writers still at the G/O sites, but there are some real duds that write almost like they’re unoriginal, semi-talented writers cribbing stories from elsewhere and adding pissy bites for sensationalism.
I’m always curious what was Prince’s reason for the stylistic titling of albums & songs. 2 = to, 4 = for, U = you, etc. Maybe it’s just a “Nobody knows what it means, but it’s provocative” situation, but still.
Judging by AV Club’s commenters, the only worthwhile time spent consuming media is if it’s media you hate.
Go home, Death, you’re drunk.
Juno, Thank You for Smoking, and Up in the Air are all comedies, and are all quite funny.
Well, I think this take of yours is the least CHUD-y take in the comments, and I am including mine.
I don’t think this trailer showed the tone overall, and I think the mouthbreathers in these comments don’t get that.
That’s a very nice trailer for a different film being made by different people with a different level of skill. I hope this new film isn’t ruining your childhood!
I can do the same with Paul Rudd? All I’m saying is that it’s disingenuous to gauge how ____ a film will be based on just the trailer. You could cut a similar trailer from the original Ghostbusters film, and that wouldn’t mean that film is less funny, would it?
Walmart is never cool, of course, but it’s not like this movie isn’t made in the country that is purely driven by consumerism.
rmlohner does get that this is a trailer, right? I mean, I absolutely get the whole attachment they have to this franchise from watching the other films I guess, but I don’t think we should treat how a trailer is cut as fully indicative of the final cut, and perhaps trailers shouldn’t give away the more entertaining…