The climax of this film is the big reveal that the beej ghost is actually the new Slimer, named ‘Muncher’. Muncher is Slimer’s horny brother.
The climax of this film is the big reveal that the beej ghost is actually the new Slimer, named ‘Muncher’. Muncher is Slimer’s horny brother.
Not to mention the demon doggie chasing Paul Rudd- maybe a Vinz Clortho or Zuul?
Haha, I actually have my Watchmen copy on my coffee table right now. Snyder’s film came out in my early 20's, so I thought it was fucking amazing that the 300 guy was adapting one of the most formative comic series I’d ever read. It was Sucker Punch that had me going “what the fuck is Snyder about?”, and rewatching 300…
It’s honestly amongst Snyder’s most cohesive films storywise, yet even still he takes a billion years to set everything up. It’s still a messy story too, with characters that aren’t really necessary or characters that act with little justification to what they’re doing. Snyder also used some sort of vintage camera for…
He actually was one of the standouts of Army of the Dead.
Translates to “my client is a behemoth in power and funds, and deserves an opportunity to be presented with a resolution to this investigation that is equitable on our terms. If you don’t provide this, we are ready for litigation, as it will only be a slap on the wrist for us.”
You tasting dog turds is somehow not as nasty as your TLJ hot take.
Sounds like you don’t have a great grasp on taste.
Well, I am pretty sure it wasn’t, in any regards, a steaming dog turd. TRS won that classification, TFA is the “acceptable intro to a trilogy but mostly forgettable” entry, and TLJ is the “here’s a shitton of great ideas that were mostly half-baked, and at least it looks pretty!” entry.
It’s precious that you think you made an idiot out of me. I can handle that well myself, thankyouverymuch.
Obviously Gunn directing GOTG Vol III is one of them, is the second Guardians project Love & Thunder?
I personally subscribe to the “teach a man to fish” idiom:
Like I said, why qualify the sentence’s condition? You could certainly say I ‘poorly’ constructed a sentence, but I don’t think a sentence has morals they operate upon.
Not to mention he’s talented in both the business sense and the artistic sense. He’s set himself up as a new counterculture figure, and his messaging is pretty strong. I’m not a huge fan of his music but I enjoy watching his work just for his self-expression, and how much it pisses off shitty people.
Lol, I only engage at the level I’m approached at, dude. You’d be lying to yourself if you actually told yourself you were looking to provide a clarification, because the only thing you’re looking for right now is to be a twat about something that doesn’t involve you.
I think it’s apropos for Wahlberg to star in a film all about a guy feeling guilty about making something all about himself, and finding redemption by still making it all about himself.
I think it’s worth it to call out that factor, it’s the first place my mind went to when I saw the subject matter & Wahlberg starring. I think the expectation that a professional in an industry can provide a perspective deeper than an initial thought’s worth is not too much of an ask though.
Lol, I don’t think a person who can’t differentiate between something as basic as “badly” or “poorly” has the capacity to judge the legibility of anyone else’s comment.
Are you asking me to prove a negative?
I doubt that you say that with any worthwhile information to back it up (though I’d have the same feeling if you had the opposite sentiment too).