
You honestly believe the British Foreign Secretary had her investigated? Hahahahahaha. Politicians are the biggest starfuckers in the world and hitch their wagons to celebs all the fucking time because the are in fact, blinded by the fame. I seriously doubt he asked her to pee in a cup and probably doesn't know shit

So does Betty White.

Betty White.

Or Val Kilmer.

look up 'b society'. we're not alone.

I teared up almost instantly. And it quickly turned to rage.

I thought you might have been exaggerating, that these were silly pranks where some unsuspecting person gets hit with a water balloon or something. These are horrifying and criminal. If I were a victim, I would use these vines as proof when I report the assault. In the jug one, I couldn't tell if the woman's ear

She keeps smiling and saying how proud she is.

THIS. Her smile is basically 'see, I told you it wouldn't work. What do you want from me?'

The prosecution never wanted to win. They didn't even want to file.

It also felt childish. If you're a politician, growing a thick skin is vital. If they can't take her berating them a little and instead resort to hauling her out, they shouldn't be politicians.

Yeah. See, that would be me. There is NO WAY I would be able to hold back from the snark and anger if that was me up there. Especially not after having sat through hours of hearing a bunch of pro-lifers spew their shit.

I was REALLY disturbed by that. It felt really totalitarian to have her taken away by law enforcement because they didn't like what she was saying. I agree with her (go Sarah!) but even if I didn't she has as much a right to speak as any other Texas citizen. Or maybe democracy is different is Texas?

How are they allowed to take her away just for speaking her mind? Guess the second amendment is the only one they are keen to defend.

He released a letter to the Daily Mail? This guy has clearly lost his mind or his lawyers/PR people need to be fired.

The very idea that her "disloyalty" is a great betrayal, but his physical abuse is not, is all the evidence you need that he's an egotistical asshole.

Saatchi is a typical abuser. He's still trying to manipulate and control her through this statement - attempting to make her look like she's the one who is at fault, despite the fact that HE PUBLICLY TRIED TO CHOKE HER and was caught doing it.

I would lol at this guy's ridiculousness if the reality wasn't so awful. At least she's getting the hell out of there.

I would not recommend this. I've had this done to me too, and I still, many years later, don't know what I did to upset my ex-friend. I would have rather known what I did, so I could learn from that mistake (if I even made one! I don't know!), even if it still meant the friendship was over.

Sluts have better stories.

A funny (and not ha-ha) thing just happened. I was in the process of responding to a previous comment, which I have included below, when I saw that it had disappeared. The comment, while critical of this post, and indeed of other similar posts, made what I believe to be a valid point. I was in the process of saying