
I don't know how he roped Brian into that 50th Anniversary tour; I saw it in Albuquerque and Brian had this 'hamster desperate to escape' expression the whole time.

Yeah, thank God Satisfaction came out a few weeks later and kickstarted the 60's for real.

Alice Eve plays a hooker? That explains why she'd get involved with Tucci in the first place.

I saw Stewart three years ago in Mamet's "A Life In The Theater." At the stagedoor while he signed autographs I said, "X-Men 4, sir, make it happen!" and he looked at me like I was an idiot, but here we are.

Just looks like him trying to be early 90's Scorsese. Silver Linings was just a desperate rehash of The Fighter, now he's mashing both casts together. Ugh.

Chim-Chimmeri always brings me to tears. Those bittersweet chords…

Further ironic deaths for movie stars to come: Ian McKellan stomped to death by midgets, the Hunger Games cast devoured by Ethiopians….

Schreiber and Meryl getting shot while dancing to that goofy They Might Be Giants victory song still sticks in the memory, though.

What, a non-mob mentality commenter on the AV who can distinguish between an artist and his works?! Out, heathen, out!!

White people just don't understand.

His appearance on Arsenio last week was quite monumental; from the audience-browsing version of "Shut Up" to the Nelson Mandela tribute "Soldier's Heart," amazing moment in late night tv.

The kids endless mugging is what did Hook in for me. Insulin injection time.

Meadows and Colin Quinn were definitely the odd men out when I was an intern at SNL in the spring of 2000; returned a book of Emily Dickenson for Meadows to the library. He watched an old Farley sketch with sadness. Didn't play the crazy negro type that Tracy Morgan did, but he had his quiet strengths.

Funny coming from someone with such a pedophile look to his avatar pic.

Eddie was funny in Tower Heist. If he avoids the fat suits I bet he could make a comeback.

Good comment and my bad eyesight thanks the font.

Lincoln from the Walking Dead stalking Keira Knightley (even presenting her with a picture of a mummy). Crazy.

Ian MacDonald's "Revolution In The Head" is pretty amazing as well
(though the author killed himself when he realized "I've just written an authoritative guide to the Beatles!")

Bought'em at Bleeker St. Records in the aughts. Perfect as drink coasters.

1967's "Christmas time is here again" is nearly as Guantanamo torture-friendly as Paul's later "Wonderful Christmas time" that you wonder if Macca was the chief composer.