
That's because New Mexico is a mass collective of obese, retarded trailer trash in the desert (and I'm a proud resident).

Now you get it.

Better titles?

No, but trying to create neurotically funny situations (including dream sequences) out of them does.

Was just back there; frozen, mannequin faces that look like they would shatter if they expressed any joy or feeling. Same as it ever was.

A Serious Man was so painful; the Coens trying to do a Woody Allen movie in the deadpan Coen style. The stoned Bar Mitzvah scene redeemed it a bit; but not much.

Llewlyn is supposed to be an ice-cold piece of shit with no feeling for people; pretty much sums everyone living in the Village. The Coens have found their definitive milieu.

Actually I'm Sconn. But kudos to someone else who recognizes the essential inanity of the AV Club.

The same shallow, judgemental place they always be.

It wasn't even her in #137, just the Phoenix force playing her. The real Jean returned in Fantastic Four #286 (nergasm).

Geez, no one remembers her doppelganger Madeline Pryor that Cyclops actually had the kids with, I guess.

I don't know, but Wolverine tearing his way through the bodyguards at the Hellfire Club does remind me of a few Christmas parties gone wrong.

Oliver was always league ahead of Stewart's 'change the register of my voice in the same tired pantomime' style. Glad he got his moment.

I just think after the recent abysmal Gangster Squad people are getting overfamiliar with its brand of flashy '40's noir.

I saw him on Broadway with Harris Yulin in an Arthur Miller play, "The Price." He was also great as an occasional defense attorney who fucked with Waterston's head on L & O.

I ran into him at the Beacon Theater Stones concert that became the 'Shine A Light' film and drunkenly told him his adaptation of that Ray Bradbury story 'A Distant Thunder' wasn't as bad as the reviews said. He smirked and accepted it without brushing me off; nice of him.

Dana Gould? They must have pulled him from the same Phantom Zone that houses Rich Hall and Paul Rodriguez.

Yeah, that still-born monkey mug of his was made for romantic leads.

My uncle's late ex-girlfriend in Seattle once pointed out where Tom Skerrit's house was (near Cobain's, strangely enough). Must explain his cameo as Campbell's boss.

Nope, Kareem grabbing the kid's lapel and demanding if he ever had to trail Lambeer up and down the court for forty minutes still takes the cake.