Pro/Anti fascism as a philosophy? yes pretty simple. Pro/Anti-Fascism as organized weaponized groups? Not simple at all.
Pro/Anti fascism as a philosophy? yes pretty simple. Pro/Anti-Fascism as organized weaponized groups? Not simple at all.
“When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea” -Eric Cantona -Shia LaBeouf …
No shots were fired..
Why are you promoting the idea of more violence? The way cops treat black people is bad. That doesn’t mean they need to treat white people worse to “make it even” or whatever the fuck you’re going for here.
I live in Portland. I am libertarian and left leaning in my political views.
guess they got an early start to the postgame orgy
Mark Jones can eat my asshole
I think I would probably be laughing very hard.
Nope. Keep Schwartz to the outside and allow your D to stay in position. He fucked that play up badly. He got hung out on a change, but whatever you just described is not the answer.
haha no it isn’t. That is an explanation of someone who doesn’t play the game. Marchand fucked up bad.
The point just flew over your head.
What in the hell was Choo doing?
Not sure where all this is coming from Drew but man just relax, this isn’t Metallica I’m not sure what you were expecting. As for the band: They can be a bit pretentious, but overall they make some decent music.
Hey the entire fucking world:
Not sure if you are trolling or insane.
The intensity of the playoffs.
Don’t think Foegele will get a suspension out of this.
Many studies show that most hunter gatherer societies “worked (food/water)” for 4 hours per day on average.
Ya, its a fucking racket, no duh.