Saints Row 2 is the greatest sandbox game of all time. Grand Theft Auto 5 has a bigger budget, Saints Row IV gives…
Saints Row 2 is the greatest sandbox game of all time. Grand Theft Auto 5 has a bigger budget, Saints Row IV gives…
io9 didn’t like BvS but liked Ghostbusters?! You must be in the pocket of Big Feminism! *Mancotts the website which is like a boycott but manlier*
You get a star for a shameless plug
If they want to sell a costume for outrageous price, they should at least take it from a character with better designed suit. Even Weskers is better dressed than this.
The thumbnail for Feedly is still the one that looks like a hoo-ha. Hoped I wasn't the only one that saw that, glad to see I wasn't.
They ninja-edited the “wallet”... Ell oh ell!
oh....that’s....that’s a wallet
Holy shit, a woman can’t even write an article online without a guy telling her to smile.
Fuck smiling
BECAUSE I ALREADY FEEL BAD ABOUT THE PUN HEADLINE besides, I know commenters would go there anyway :P
there’s been a lot of ‘i’m not appreciated enough in this game’ posts lately. are you kotaku folks ok?
Counterpoint: OK Go is great and this sucks.
Think for yourself. I actually enjoy pretty much all of their videos, specially the last one. Also, although I can see the humor in the parody of this video, I feel they could’ve gone way further. You may not like Ok Go’s videos, but at least there’s some effort in it.
I guess in lieu of making something people actually like, you can intentionally under-perform and call it really edgy satire. I know when I’m insecure about the results of my efforts, I sometimes self-sabotage them - for example, if I’m making a piece of functional furniture and I want it to turn out way better than I…
“No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”
So you did that too. Good. Make them live with their shitty life choices!
Why? Everyone died pretty much.