Well, sometimes (most of the time) listening to strangers’ voices can be infinitely more irritating than any sort of lack of cooperation or loss.
Well, sometimes (most of the time) listening to strangers’ voices can be infinitely more irritating than any sort of lack of cooperation or loss.
And I would walk five hundred miles,
Anybody else finding themselves sighing frequently, not enjoying things, like ice cream, as much, constantly feeling on the verge of unexpected violent tears? Anyone else get queasy when they turn on the news, cynical when they open their Facebook and wary when strangers start talking in a doctor’s waiting room that…
It was misogynist. Then again, we’re going to have new misogynies perpetrated by Clintonistas and anti-Clintonistas, so we might as well get used to it.
I mean, as Jewel said: “As a feminist, I can’t support everything that’s being said tonight, but as somebody who hates Ann Coulter, I’m delighted.”
I was REALLY skeeved by a supercut of all the “sick burns” that were thrown at her during the roast. It was all sexist bullshit making fun of her looks...like...THERE’S SO MUCH MATERIAL THERE, WHY GO FOR THE SEXIST HACK JOKES?!?! I know we all hate her, but it doesn’t make that shit ok.
Of young girls? Yes.
I can’t believe 2016 is a real year that we’re all living through.
Did they ever hint at that? If not, it was you yourself who played you like a fiddle. Never trust the hype, even if it’s your own.
Breitbart got so frustrated by all the liberal lying liar polls lying that Clinton is beating Trump that they contracted a polling company to poll a right thinking non-lying poll.
You know, it was funny watching Rove’s head implode on election night 2012. When he literally got up from his desk, walked into the polling rooms, and started asking everyone how Obama won. And I remember that lady that posted that hour long YouTube video lamenting Obama’s victory and her cursing out Republicans for…
Holy shit - this is just a straight forward informative post explaining the answer to an interesting question. Well done.
I appreciate Simone Biles for her lack of faux modesty. I overheard someone say they didn’t like her because she was too cocky.
Can we stop using “pussy” as a word to mean weak though? My vagina has birthed three god damn kids.
I’d have more respect if they could recognize the basic fact that people have always, ALWAYS known exactly what is and isn’t racist. The only difference now is you’re less likely to get actually for-real lynched for pointing it out or speaking against it. People of color’s reaction hasn’t changed, it’s just gotten…
He was married to a black woman, so unless he was living out some weird slaver fantasy, he’s not a conventional racist. I’d agree that he doesn’t “get” institutional racism, but he’s...well...complicated. I just can’t wrap my head around this guy. Sometimes he seems racist, sometimes not. I think he’s probably decent…
White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.
Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.
Blastoise has always been better than Charizard. It’s a known fact
A bunch of people stand around the Mewtwo stand, frantically battling it.