Jesus christ it never stops, but i wish it would
Jesus christ it never stops, but i wish it would
I’m digging the look, and if we can’t get a SR game with Jane Austen as the protagonist, this will do.
I love that the logo is a not-quite fleur de lis. Making this an obvious spiritual successor is my jam.
Poe’s law?
Right? I hate how it gets tossed around by people who use it like “how dare you care about the outcome of a game at all,” but I do think it has a place for people who are clearly trying TOO hard. Like Kylo Ren, or Reaper, etc. It’s like a half step down from MLGxXx420NoScopeKingxXxPRO, so I think it’s worth keeping…
I hate to break it to you, but I think it’s a word in a lot more places than just TF2.
(not meant in a douchey way, I’ve just heard it in a lot of contexts)
It also only takes one time for the threat to matter. It may not be much of a risk for you, assuming you get a threat once or twice, but if you’re getting a constant stream of threats and harassment you really can’t just ignore all of it. Even if you could, it seems irresponsible to me, and most importantly you…
Yeah, honestly, I don’t know what to do there. Presumably you could do some kind of IP banning, but it takes very little effort to get around that. There’s really no way to stop them outright, outside of like... legal action. That’s basically impossible given the way things are right now, so... :/
Still, having some…
Well, for one, you really need to ban accounts that go out of their way to harass people. The fact that twitter completely ignores them 90% of the time is ridiculous.
To your question though, I don’t think controlling what people think online, but there needs to be some kind of accountability/consequences for what…
That does nothing to stop the harasser from a) going after someone else or b) just making another sockpuppet account and continuing on like they were already.
Mercy above Zarya?!
Oxenfree is also great! Just... a very different game.
Has anyone else noticed that the pullquote is from a totally different game?
I think you got your review-box-pullquote mixed up with Oxenfree, but if there are radio ghosts in here too I might just have to pick it up :).
Patricia, please tell me you’re playing as Coach/Miyazaki.
Motherfucker does the nod-along while she’s asking the question and then just decides not to answer it... Eat a bowl of fuck.
What are Froot Loops and Apple Jacks doing in shit tier? They should be replacing Raisin “.02 scoops in every box!” Bran (and maybe Golden Crisp too) in mid tier IMO.
Awwwww yeah, this is a buy for sure. I love these wacky typing games.
Woof. Thanks for writing this, Evan. Great article, even if/because now I want to leave work and call my parents.
Oh! I get it! The joke is that Kotaku is (let me know if I get this wrong) “SJW Shills” who will never be satisfied with anything?
:| bruh
...Friendship?! Again?!