
No one ever hits there targets in action movies.

Male lead beating up bad guys while female looks on in astonishment? Yeah, I liked that scene. In every movie ever made.

They are giving star wars fans what they  asked for. More nostalgia.

Trump is getting rid of the EPA, so get used to this becoming a common thing around the country.

He’s boozin’ it up. Jacks got him by the balls.

Go to bed. Youre drunk.

Benn hitting the booze, have we? I can tell when you drink ;)

Loco is Gawker media’s 90 year old racist grandpa!

Oakland 2.0 is a sham. Oakland will be the first place abandoned when the tech bubble 2.0 bursts.

When I was a kid I would drop logs that would wrap around the inside of the bowl. Now its just soft serve. What happened?

If the world is a stage, then america is Brittany Spears and we’ve reached this point in our countries life .