@Gaz: I love how they were british cops with american accents.
@Gaz: I love how they were british cops with american accents.
come on, let's see a Niko war mission!
aww wtf i comes out next week, i could just buy it by the time th demo comes out!
@超外人: i doubt they would have appeared on any other systems, i just think that it was shown with ps2 buttons for testing purposes,
wtf why didn't they just use the guy who played bruce lee in the bruce lee movie[biography]
@sander_dutch: don't say I'm pulling the race card just because you see my avatar is black, do your research before you go throwing out dumbass allegations like that, see the ratio between white people to minorites tried as adult then reply, you closed minded idiot. Everytime someone tries to bring up the possibility…
it sucks that a young girl is dead, but isn't weird that minority teens are always the ones being tried as adults, I've seen so many teen cases and it always seems like minorities are the ones that get tried as adults constantly. I've seen white kids tried as adults but rarely.
gamers hell would be all systems, but the only game he has to play is kane and lynch
i hope the install would be an option and not mandatory, if this is true of course. A few of those get me pretty excited as well, especially group chat.
is haze still going to be released for xbox, or have i not been paying any attention!
I'm just glad to hear we will have a big-name composer, i just hate it when an epic game has wack music, the big problem is that it's coming out in fall, which will suck since I'll be in school.... I'll have no time to play :[
@Magic Emperor Anima: thank you for taking the time out of your day to look like a douche, maybe some people liked his post, so just ignore it. You don't represent all of kotaku.
@Anemone: that was playstation 2 not playstation 3 aside from the wii statement what you said is pointless.