Then just move to the west coast.....
Then just move to the west coast.....
Peet’s Coffee....Starbucks before Starbucks was Starbucks
OK. I will. Go ahead and hold your breath while I do.
Nice try with the false equivalence. Or are you trying to saying that Asians control the vast majority of the money/power positions in the US (or even out of the minorities in the US)? I’ll give you that white people don’t treat us as automatic criminals/physical threats like they do with black people, however that…
By name, sounds like a she. But that’s depending on how she identifies. I’d also guess that she’s white (because...Gawker) however, I’ve also seen how black and latino friends react to new foods, so can’t say for certain.
And accurate.
“Economically privileged”? We were just given any success that we have? Of course Asians couldn’t have earned their success.
My experience is a bit opposite, but the warning is still the same. I ordered a specific BMW that at the time was not readily available in stock. I bought it through a broker, but specifically told him that I didn’t want the front license plate installed (CA requires one). Sure enough when it finally arrives from…
Great as this was, I’d like to see him do this with all of the frontrunning candidates. Scrutinizing Clinton, Sanders, Cruz, and Rubio (maybe) would make for interesting compare/contrast to whom anyone should really trust.’s a tradition at his school. So he may be sandbagging for when people start to look back at the popular award winners there.
Is it worse than GOOP?
Besides, frozen thin mints and tagalongs (I’ll include samoas even though I hate them) taste even better than room temp.
For all intents and purposes, Kobe was a Jordan copycat. And he was pretty damn dominant in this era.
Except for Irwindale, all of those others are 50+ miles away from LA. Irwindale is about 20ish mi. Not that it justifies street racing within LA. It just doesn’t make sense to say that they are the relief valve. I would be willing to bet these 2 didn’t know each other until one cut the other off or something and both…
Don’t forget “Dude, Where’s My Car?”.....
Go on a Sunday (or M-W). My friend and I were able to ride the actual rollercoaster (dragon racing or something) over and over. It still got crowded later on, but much better than I would imagine a typical weekend.
That ride almost made me barf in Orlando. Granted I was about 3 beers in, but still (maybe the only downside to FL amusement parks allowing you to walk around with beer). If the LA one is even worse, then I will stay away.
They’re in the East Bay. Not Silicon Valley. I figure you know your geography and used SV to garner more hatred, but still....
Have you had the liquid Soylent that they sell? We got some free samples which we were told should taste kind of like cereal milk. From my 94 yr old grandmother to my 6 yr old niece, we all thought it tasted like “WTF IS THAT?? NOPE!”
Go to a local Chinese grocery store. Look in the meat department for Rooster Fries (or Chicken Fries). Buy, bread, fry, and eat. Congrats! you just had a rooster cum in your mouth.