As a fellow Giants fan, you can hate BOTH the Dodgers and the Yankees the same for differing reasons.
As a fellow Giants fan, you can hate BOTH the Dodgers and the Yankees the same for differing reasons.
I do enjoy whatever I’m into. But none of those that you’ve listed.
I disagree. if 2 grown ass people want to fight instead of be reasonable, he did the smart thing and backed away. If he restrains either, then he gets in trouble for laying hands on either of them. If he calls the cops, either his gf or baby momma (or both) could get cited.
Dear JohnnyDangerously,
I thought they were pupusas. You’re talking about the Salvadoran thing, right?
I don’t understand how Mexican food in SD is so much worse than in LA.
Re-BIRTH. What part of that do you not understand is different than re-BOOT? Except when it’s not? And the re-INCARNATION next year and the re-VOLUTION the following year plus the re-SOLUTION after will all not be reboots (except when they are).
At least Luke Cage is black. Iron Fist is the white man that spent 10 years in a Chinese village and became the greatest martial artist ever. Kind of like Snake Eyes (only the white kid can be the chosen one) and everything other martial arts comic.
Not following the story closely, but has Demi Lovato been taking things to Capitol Hill or speaking out and boycotting Dr. Luke and Sony? If not, then her tweets seem to be WAAYYY less impressive than the $250K. And I say this as someone that thinks almost anything TS does is super fake.
Except that Joan and what she was put through in 1969 was completely made up by some writer in the 2000's?
To play devil’s advocate, would it be possible that their sudden popularity drive someone to start breeding these things? So an endangered species that nobody really knew about, suddenly has normal people caring about it. If they’re endangered because the rainforest is being cut down, then breeding may give a spike in…
I can’t imagine that anyone would say that coach is classless for allowing NCAA rules violations to make his college team the 2nd highest paid team in the NFL, then skipping town just before the punishment was given from NCAA.
Thought I read that he hadn’t eaten any donuts yet. Also, that DV is for fairly sedentary people. I imagine if you’re running 5 mi per day, you have a better allowance?
I don’t agree with messing with people’s cars either, but I want someone (or maybe the original perp) to do this again, preferably on another date night. I can’t wait to see the craigslist add from that.
Unfortunately for us, a less important minority group.
The league itselft may not be as well watched, but I speculate that USWNT is more well watched than the USMNT by US audiences.
Was a few years ago that I finally hit that sweet spot where spending more or less peaked and income was much higher and still growing. Pair that with a frugal fiancee and it’s nice to see thousands of dollars saved during a month with no debt (student loans don’t count) while living a very comfortable life. Congrats!…
Because none of the powers that be from the field judges up to the commissioner has ever had that kind of athleticism, so they can’t comprehend how it would be possible.
Was in Vancouver last year during the weekend of the Grey Cup. Wouldn’t have even noticed if a waitress hadn’t told me.
I picture it more as: