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    Apparently a drug that takes you back to being a 1 year old.

    But the slope on the roads doesn’t bother you? I rather dodge seams on the sidwalks rather than run on a slope.

    Exactly! The Warriors aren’t a better team. They just put up more points than almost all of their opponents....

    They have awesome peach pie in the summer. Food is pretty bad though.

    They’re just normal 6ers fans. It’s been 20 years since they’ve been telling me that every year is their year. They just keep getting screwed by the referees or some other uncontrollable conspiracy. Their whole organization is genius at every level, and all players are GOAT at their position. It’s just conspiracies

    Does the org care? I thought they got their money already. It’s the ticketholder that gets screwed because can’t even get a portion of their money back for that game.

    Boba actually means boobs (actually big boobs), so...both!

    You make fun, but you think my sister would have made it to culinary school, and be a well paid chef now, if she hadn’t received her Poli Sci degree???

    He hasn’t vowed yet.

    Too easy. Their counter-argument is always “There’s this POC (take your pick) at work and he/she’s incompetent but is only here because affirmative action. Why can’t they just pick the best qualified candidate?”

    Whatever the hell they put on the Baconesque popcorn at Trader Joe’s should be listed.

    For you LA folks, Howlin’ Ray’s is like that. I think they have 6 or 8 levels of spice. People tell me I eat pretty spicy, so my first time there, I thought “Huh, white people spicy. I’ll take the 2nd hottest just in case.” Sweating, watery eyes, flushed skin (I assume), and hiccups by the 2nd or 3rd bite. A milkshake

    We had a Cluck-U where I went to college. It might have been another cause, but I seem to remember the hottest sauce possibly melting the styrofoam of the to-go box.

    I’d switch 2 and 3. Otherwise, your list is approved.

    Watching Ingram play, most coaches would allow him to kill their family and still keep him on the team.

    Thank you All Knowing Asian Culture Man. You’re still wrong, but thank you all the same.

    There’s no rice in the dispensing container for the chopsticks. The funeral bowl is typically filled with uncooked rice. Either way, it’s rude to Japanese people and Chinese people (possibly other Asians too). Doesn’t need to be justified.

    If you’re in a formal setting, you’re probably not using disposable chopsticks?

    Great, just another thing we needed to be appropriated by white people.

    I don’t know why I just watched most of that video. Although there was a good 15 seconds that gave me the idea how to fry taco shells without a As Seen On TV contraption or a bunch of oil.