
Almost tempted to upgrade to Windows 8...almost.

That said, they have a hidden timer system that calculates your actual play time (and not idle time) and determines when a drop is appropriate,

I dont really like the eye gouging color of Wildstar any more then I liked it with WoW. That said I still played WoW for a few years because it was fun...the graphics just hurt after a while.

Every game has content that was cut for one reason or another, like budget or time. DLC is a chance to add that content back in after launch. It is up to the consumer if that content is worth the extra $15 or more that they charge for it.

Ya, I am very surprised they will be going out of their way to let people make their own servers. I think legitimate 3rd party servers are unheard of for MMOs.

It is a shame that South Park does not unlock until 1PM eastern. I managed to get tomorrow off at the last min so I could spend all day on it. :( I wonder why they wait so long to unlock it.

Why do you need such a big mouse pad? Do you play games with the sensitivity turned all the way down?

I just buy the $5 mouse pads from WalMart.

Which is why I am waiting for the PC version to come out.

Not only that but the screen was transparent so you really could not see anything if you were in a room with any light on. I ended up taping a piece of black construction paper to the back of mine and it became somewhat usable.

No one is forcing you to read a topic you dont want to.

Exactly. It is an option. More options are always good.

I guess I find it hard to "enjoy the drive" because I am focused on actually driving. I dont mind being a passenger because that gives me time to lean back and watch the scenery out the window. I guess when I drive it consumes all of my attention to avoid hitting people and stuff.

I want this! I only played the first level on iOS because the controls sucked. Apparently the whole game was 5-6 hrs which is not bad for a $10 game.

From the website:

Let me know when it is out on PC.

Na, this is just for people, like myself, who dont have the time or energy to level a brand new character and just want to jump in and raid on the weekends with some friends.

I would argue that in a game like CoD the "progression" system should never have been in the game in the first place.

This is not pay-to-win. This is pay-to-skip. I find leveling in WoW to be very boring and time consuming. I'v bought a few copies back in WotLK to do the refer-a-friend exp bonus just so I could power level alts. I would have no problem buying a instant 90 so I can check out the end-game instances without spending 2-4

I agree. I already leveled several level 80 characters and just could not get the motivation up to level more then 1 90 in the expansion. Leveling is soooo dull and I really dont have the time to do it. I am seriously considering buying a boost or two just to see what raiding is like on classes other then Hunter.