
1. Most intel CPUS can run safely up to 100C, but you can google safe temps for CPU XXXX and you'll get a definitive answer.

2. I don't know what all the graphics settings are for that, but you may try turning everything all the way down and seeing if it improves. Then turn things up one by one until you get to where

1. There is no side of the road there, it's blocked.

So when you hit the vehicle in front of you, it's ok to run them over once they pull over to assess damages and trade insurance information.

Where on the site does it say that this machine runs SteamOS?

From the manufacturer:



Mine always seems to call when I just can't answer...Both hands in fish tank moving around rocks? Yeah she's about to call. Got a face full of food? Ring ring. Just laid down in bed? Ring "Hey!" me: "WTF don't you work or something?"...

Unless you get a great sale on exactly the same video card you have, you're generally better off just upgrading. SLI/crossfire will work better for some things, but a newer video card is basically guaranteed to work better for all things.

Here is a gaming laptop is $1200 (and that's Alienware which is generally more expensive than other manufactures.

The answer? Instead of releasing an XBOX, Sega and Microsoft would have partnered up to make another console (Dreamcast ran Windows CE). It would have been an XBOX with a Sega twist.

If you get a VMU you can then download and burn all the games. Just sayin.

Sooooooo...did you type that all out on a computing device that you own? Say a smartphone or a tablet or even a computer? Because if so, the average price of any one of those devices + a console is >= a dedicated PC.

And then the power goes out or they unplug the machine to clean it or something...

Hey, I spent $900 on my gaming rig and it was well worth it. If you take into account that no matter what console you own, you also do in fact own some kind of computing device (be it tablet or laptop or whatever) that's pretty reasonable. For my money I could have bought a PS4 and a POS desktop, but I actually want

Have you been in a gamegame stop recently? Pick your favorite console, count the number of games you would play vs what you wouldn't play. I'll bet the second number is significantly higher.

Agree, I have one sub in the trunk, and it's super easy to disconnect it and pull it out if I need to haul something...Also my car is soundproofed, because she's a classy girl and not some ghettoblasta.

It makes sense actually. Think about it, you're someone who wants to own a lifted truck and take it offroading and climb things or whatever. Someone who is actually going to use that truck to it's full potential.

Alot of it has to do with precedence. The previous 3 games were glorious, with amazing gameplay and whatnot. Imagine if in a f2p game you had to either mine for 100 hours to get any decent ships, or just buy them. Or worse, you buy tokens that let you build some nice ships once and then never again...Without it

Ok it looks exactly like the driver side exhaust tip, except that he was hit by the passenger side of the car.