3 things-
3 things-
Mine goes to 11, for when you need that extra ghz because 10 just isn't enough.
It's optimized for what it does though. For example, a single core Pentium 4 could run max (with liquid nitrogen cooling) at something like 8ghz, but a single Haswell core running at it's standard clock (3.4ghz) would smash it. Clock speed is a poor measure of actual performance.
Actually, A $924,000 Facelift – Forbes
Exactly this actually. You could relate this over saturation to the big video game crash in the pre-nintendo era. There was >10 consoles, all with their own special ploy but essentially the same games; except they were all copies off other games and alot of the copies were terrible. So many people bought into the…
10 cylinder diesel twin turbo from the old taureg please. I don't even care if it sticks into the passenger compartment some.
That's even more brutal. I know not many people bought PS3's with the purpose of running Linux, but removing it had nothing to do with customer needs...
At least Microsofts doing it before selling any consoles. What happened to running linux on your PS3? Sony pushed out an update after a few months that removed this ability for all PS3s...But no one remembers that..
So where was Microsoft when Sony decided to remove backwards compatibility from its consoles? Where was Microsoft when Sony decided to remove the ability to run a linux OS from its consoles?
I'm just sayin, Sony reverted on some major things AFTER the consoles sold.
Just gonna say, my cats likes to have stuff on them. If books are on top of pillows, they will work they way under them and then sleep with the books on top. This is all while next to a perfectly good blanket that they could crawl into, or the cat tree...
Police in undercover cars generally aren't allowed to pull you over if they aren't also in uniform...Unless you are doing something very dangerous (ie drinking while driving).
The cop may also not have a laser, so his only method of determining speed accurately is to match the other drivers speed. If the other…
In Indiana, the only way you get a texting while driving ticket is if you admit to it. If the cop sees you with your phone out, and you say you were using it as a gps, he has to believe you (or get a warrant, which for a phone ticket isn't going to happen).
I'd like to point out that your character dies and respawns all the time, and no it's not just a travel back in time the stuff you have done is done...
I just graduated from full time work/college/dad to just full time dad/work...so I have a huge backlog (that thankfully I waited to buy and saved an assload of money)
I'm just sayin, Gunpoint isn't one of the cards. If that theory holds true Torchlight 2 will be a daily deal tomorrow.
If you're following the idea that the steam sale cards are the game of the day sales (the first 3 have been the first 3 days), then torchlight 2 will be the game of the day in 2 days. Vote for Gunpoint.
Fancy that. Thanks for the info.
I want to say that the term for that is still DDOS, just not a DDOS attack..