
I don’t know why I’m validating this with a response but here we go...

Don’t forget loop-de-loops and weaponry. No point having expendable bot-cars if we don’t arm them!

Interesting but entirely pointless to this argument. Well not entirely pointless, it’s pretty counter-productive to his argument as it proves that other countries are not happy with how US is handling it’s data. If we want our companies to do business at an international level we need to stop these kind of

1. If it is done one time, then the government will have a precedent and it will be done repeatedly. Ignoring the cost to Apple to do this, and how/who actually pays for it, there is no way you can destroy the software. Apple would have to recreate it multiple times per day to keep up with demand.

They should make a cooking show directed by Michael Bay. In fact, it could be a whole series of shows. I’d watch people blow themselves up while cooking.

Of course it does...I don’t know why this seems like a mystery. Violins don’t get re-varnished often for good reasons that you can see in a post from 2005. You can also really tell the difference in different colored saxophones of the same model for example.

Dear TabBravo inc,

Hey, I’m still waiting on some documentation that most skimmers are coupled with a camera.

Most implies that a majority of skimmers would be using a camera. Assuming you understand what ‘most’ means as well, please produce some documentation to backup your claim.

My advice was to use the same atm and watch for any change. You wouldn’t be able to spot that keypad at a new ATM, but you should be able to tell the difference on the ATM you use everyday. You can also try prying off the numpad and/or card slot.

You are much better off using the same ATM and watching for any change than just covering up your hands..

But what about the rest of the fridge?

Sorry I’m just not sure what you are asking.

The term “out of the loop” refers to humans using their programming to react to problems without the intervention of a human.

Read the linked police report. Google got into a right turn lane that was blocked by sandbags, then it tried to go around the sandbags by returning to the go straight lane.

It should also be noted that some bacteria growth is not bad, see dry aged beef for example.

Whats an oximoron? Perfect doneness? I don’t think it would be as there are multiple states of done, unless you mean that it’s all relative to taste and there isn’t an exact perfect..

I think it really depends on the meat and what you are trying to avoid. Most pork you aren’t trying to kill salmonella anyways. You can also sous vide at the temp you want if you are going to eat it and not store it. If you are going to store it you should cook it hot enough to kill all the bacteria before they poop

You should never cook a fridge. But if you do, consider adding a little salt and paprika for maximum flavor.

Keep it below 40F and cook it above 140F and you shouldn’t have a problem. Just don’t let it sit out for too long uncooked.