Can you replace the battery with a bigger one? Or maybe install a new ROM that has better battery life? HTC has always had this problem...They need to kill the design team and buy a better battery team..
Can you replace the battery with a bigger one? Or maybe install a new ROM that has better battery life? HTC has always had this problem...They need to kill the design team and buy a better battery team..
Yeah my evo3d was pretty bad about that. The Note 2 has a huge battery though.
I run about 6-8 hours of Pandora a day, as well as internets/facebooking every now and then...and maybe a maps or 2...I get about 2 days worth of charge. This is on a note 2 with stock ROM and battery. I could double the size of the battery if I wanted, but it's not really necessary...
Well now I must know. To the grill!
It's like getting your dinner and desert on the same plate. It is in no way gross.
I'll agree to agree and disagree. The Xbox design clearly has some elements to it of the gamecube controller. Also I loved the hamburger, and I know tons of people hate it. The S controller/360 controller is pretty universal though. I like the idea of companies utilizing others progress to improve the general…
I never understood why the A button needed to be bigger than the rest of off centers everything. That's the awkward part.
That's like saying that the basis for modern controllers was the atari, or before that pinball machines...
I will agree that I love Nintendo for all they have brought to market (watching microsoft scramble to create Smart Glass in response to the WiiU was great). Nintendo truly creates waves with everything it does.
It's honestly not bad, but the buttons are so awkward. For extended gameplay though, it still doesn't beat the original xbox controllers IMHO.
I wish I could find and produce some article or proof of this somewhere, but the internet is unforgiving tonight.
Well duh, the original XBOX controllers were products of tons of research into exactly what is the best controller for extended gameplay. It turns out that was the hamburger, but the extra black/white buttons were a little out of reach hence the shrinking and repositioning (s-controller and 360 controller).
And when they launch their next system, and stop hosting the services for this system, how will you play your games then?
I like this new stuff, called 'throwback.' You've probably never heard of it before.
Same, I loved that controller, and was around the same age. I refused to buy into the S controllers until my hamburger died..S controllers just weren't as comfortable.
Pen and paper roleplaying games have like mini-wins. You defeated the dragon! WOOO you win! You won your charisma check! ETC. There is a level of gameplay*.
Serial keys have never stopped games from being resold. Back in the days before you needed an internet connection to register a serial key, there was no main database. There is almost no point to a serial key in this day and age, unless you are going to check it against a database.