360, original didn't have swappable drives.
360, original didn't have swappable drives.
To be honest, I had my console unplugged to plug in another computer temporarily, and that's when I discovered this...since then I've had constant internets and never really looked for a fix lol.
because the current implementations have been always online. PC games have had this, they all turned out horribly. XBOX arcade games have it, for example since my first XBOX bricked I just bought the XBOX with no hard drive, and used my old hard drive in the new system. Now I must maintain my internet connection,…
I'm a one man programming unit for my job. This means I get to take lots of projects from start to finish, which is awesome! My boss also gave me free reign to 'research' and keep us on the cutting edge, which means reading tech blogs and learning new skill sets.
Well, seeing as I bought my phone for uses other than gaming, I would say the total cost is $0(phone) + $50(Ouya Controller (assuming I didn't find another cheaper)) + $5(HDMI cable).
So, for $50, I can buy an Ouya controller and not have to pay that other $50 for the console right?
You can put emulators on your phone
I can do that with my current phone/tablet...
LOL it's not a console exclusive, it's a game that's coming to Android! Ouya just happens to play Android too...
I don't either. I can hook up my cell phone/tablet to my TV pretty easily...And then all I would need is a bluetooth controller.
Just slightly, also finding a stretch of road it could fit on...3 wheels on each side plus you have to squeeze those 42 engines in somewhere.
Same, I only ever wanted to play the Final Fantasy series. And those launched on PC/other devices enough that I've never had the want for one.
Someone else posted asking this....Just no. They will use replica bodies with wheels on them. Some may have interiors. For the most part they won't even have their own engines, and are pulled by a track under them. Most of the destruction will probably be CG anyways.
It's not that the Ouya is necessarily using outdated hardware...It's that the hardware isn't better, or much better, than the hardware that most people carry in their pocket already.
They won't carry around a controller, the controller will stay in the living room. I believe we will see, as phones get to console specs, that game developers will just release games to phones. Most engines it is just a simple click of a button. Why wouldn't a developer take such a simple step to open them up to a…
you should. I have a really nice (albeit kinda old now) PC hooked up to my tv, and my XBOX gets used much more. It just does Netflix better.
You can just build any game with Unreal Engine in iOS/Android formats...There is already a standard for wireless HD video/audio streaming, and you can get bluetooth keyboard/mouse or joystick to go with it-that way game developers don't have to plan on touchscreen.