
man I remember them being so much bigger in my childhood...

Heavy Gear's were giant hulking mechs though. The things foot would have been the size of a tank..

I really wanted this game to play more like Phantom Crash. Hawken is fast, but clunky..


Maybe he did, and immediately pulled over to help the guy instead of tailing the other guy?

You can actually get away with that (as long as your not infringing copyright). Somewhere in the main book it says that each figure must be like 40% GW and its legal. If your friends with the people your playing with though, they shouldn't care as long as it's roughly the same size (maybe buy the right bases too).

Google 'Warhammer 40k *insert army here* codex pdf' and 'warhammer 40k rulebook pdf'

pretty good stuff man! Some people just get the painting naturally.

It's for the ladies.

but how can the air heating warm up the chair your sitting on top of? Your body heat has to do that. So you fight this losing battle of warming your front and cooling your back. However you could be warm in like 10 seconds by turning on the heated seat...

That's exactly how I read it too. Especially since he wrote:

The very first comment for the insane house points out just how wrong the math is for that. It's apparently $51.80 per hour or $9.6 per hour if they are using LEDs...

I should have rephrased that...You are right in saying that I probably never noticed.

Ya know, there was never any social hate/awkwardness/differences between the races at my school until they showed the anti-racism/sexism/bullying videos. Then all of a sudden the white male was the most evil person in the school, because every student had ingrained that because of those videos we could never possibly


Not angry or crazy, just sad...There aren't too many franchises that upon just hearing the name I would buy anymore. Robotech/Macross is one of those..

What that guy said, but I'll include that explosives are bad to keep around. You would have to treat the thing as a bomb at all times, and if it went off over a populated city it would probably be considered an act of war..

Thanks! The top one is for webcams, not really used just a free floating monitor. The far right one is my test bed, so it's the same as our deployment (same computer and monitor). That way I can test it as they would see it..But if that wasn't a requirement I would totally have another widescreen there :D

Python/Ruby/PHP/SQL are all software devleopment..Just different flavors. While Python and Ruby are mainly desktop languages they can be put on the web, its just more work than PHP. PHP is made to work with a SQL database though and is very good at this.

"My resonant tunneling diode phone has limited range but a short enough wavelength to penetrate even the densest cages. This gives me a major combat advantage, hopefully."