
I deny your reality and substitute my own!

You need to step back and actually learn how to use visual studio. You can easily utilize the extra space given by a widescreen monitor by opening tools in that space. There is no point to a 4:3 monitor other than testing purposes (utilizing the mass deployment monitors that everyone else has).

Then take the widescreen monitor and turn it sideways. The idea that a programmer would have 4:3 is dumb. Furthermore the idea that programmers just program is ludicrous.

I've used a laptop to cook a can of soup, and some data centers use the heat output from the servers to heat the building, same concepts on a much smaller scale.

I agree with all of the above and also posit:

some text.

I've not seen a team based game where you actually had to plan and work with your team as closely as Brink. The biggest problem was that no one had headsets, so everyone was silent. It was nice because there wasn't the standard COD punks calling pepole names every 2 seconds, but sucks because when you need to call

Collectively as a group we're noble assholes. We demonstrated the weakness and then reported it and proceeded to provide the fix for it. Turns out my college encouraged that.

1) my words "from off campus they couldn't shut down the port" as an answer to your original shut down the port ideal. I could just move around from port to port within the school (I'm assuming here you mean ethernet port/jack/plugin. If you mean internet port you may have a good point, except it would turn off the

Because I described it in a paragraph (or a few now)? You want some instructions so you can do it yourself? Do you want a technical paper on the subject?

It works both ways man. Just because you situation is like it is, doesn't mean that everyone situation is too.

See my other reply to this:

Blah blah blah our IT department is overworked. Ours had students and offered projects in fixing these sorts of things as credit.

I wouldn't have done it if they would have expelled me. The school now has a method to resolve this problem, which it didn't before.

Campus wide. Clogged up the tubes as it were. Less of a crash and more of we used all the bandwidth so nothing else was going through.

I'm not sure how slowing down emails for a few days is raising my own tuition...I mean it was 40k the first year I was there, maybe could have been 40100 the year after this happened...but I seriously doubt that was because of this.

I went to a good school where they encouraged this. So yeah, it wouldn't be worth it for expulsion, but it was worth it for being rewarded for finding such a big problem (and eventually the solution).

Awesome and hilarious

Yup, because everyone on the internet has never accomplished anything, or has any right to be proud of anything that they have accomplished. Just because you can't doesn't mean that I can't.

Our IT encouraged us to do this. We found the holes before someone else did, and this made security better! The school itself actually encouraged it. Probably why it's the number one engineering school for the past 10 years..